Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Back to work!

Not much to say right now but I've taken my vacation and will get back to working on Harem.


  1. From the feedback you asked in the previous post, have you decided what will be changed/added/removed from the game going forward?

    I am personally interested into how the various harem members interact between themselves, particularly how their individual fetishes can complement one another specially given that those fetishes are influenced by the main character.

    1. So with the usual caveat that this is all only planned and I haven't had time to full read and digest all the feedback yet.

      1. Re-organize Noemi's escape into a way that's more obvious and logical to the player.
      2. Redo the ambush in the Eastern Corsix Mine
      Both 1&2 should be fairly use to do with the new RET system.
      3. Let the player be more in control of the action. There's going to be a brief on-rails sections to start 0.6c (3-4 scenes with current storyboarding) and then the old map will open up fully. There will be anywhere between 5-10 individual quests with only about 3-4 fully required to progress.
      4. Have more choices for the player to make. While I knew that 0.6a&b would be fairly linear it was too much so, especially coming off of 0.5 which was quasi-linear.
      5. There will be more interactions between the different characters in the harem.
      6. The overland map and encounters therein will be more important to plot and hopefully more interesting.
      7. Expanding some of the side-quests in the game and making sure they work properly.
      8. I will probably rework the secret scene with Melony/Betsy but that will not be retroactive. I had laid some of the groundwork for it on 0.6b.8 but was too tied up w/ bug hunting.

      That's my current too do list (and way to long for a reply in comments). Let me know what you think needs to be added!

    2. Ker - just a suggestion, but you could do what I see I see a few others do, and keep a to-do list attached too your tag, and use the tag in the other forums. Just a list of what you want to do, item by item, and then cross them out as they get done. Let's everyone know your progress, without a lot of nudges...

  2. I would like to see a possibility of capturing some orcs or monsters to use as punishments for slaves for things they have done or maybe failing to help in corsix ,especially for cecile and ariel for the problems they caused.

  3. Hope you vacation was very relaxing!

  4. Honestly, more interactions between the girls with each other(especially if they result in some lesbian sex~) sounds fantastic as an idea! Hope you had a nice vacation, Ker, and glad to see that Harem is still progressing~

  5. hello.
    i'm searching the jungle orc village and i can't found any jungle orc (but i killed a lots of spiders and rats). It is a know bug or did i done something wrong ?
    Anyway it's a great game.

  6. in fact i solved the jungle orc issue. I left the forest, checked my brothel, talk to my slave in the fortress, did the well to have noemie work at the brothel and come back to the north forest and then jungle orc were here; (and i think i sleep in the brothel or the fortress, not sure)
    hop this datas will be useful

  7. Working my way through the Rhea Corsix quest I noticed a couple of things that might be bugs.

    1. The weapon shop is willing to sell upgraded weapons (eg: Mithril Blades. two of these bad boys on Rhea does a LOT of damage against the bandits), though the armor and item shops refuse as it is my master's gold.

    2. In the menu, I can choose skills for Ulya. Her "Arm Chop" skill is usable. This just drains the Energy which auto recharges as soon as you leave the skill menu, but either way you might want to tweak this.

    3. I also found some invisible blockage in front of the left hand warehouse outside the mines. As this is the warehouse that has the bandit fight in it, I am fairly sure this is a glitch.

    A rough diagram would go something like this. O is open space, X is the blockage, _ is the warehouse with D being the doorway.

    _ _ _Y_ _
    OOOO O

    I hope this makes sense. I am not sure if it is supposed to have an image for these unpassable squares (crates, barrels, etc...) or if this is supposed to be passable terrain.

    Having said all of this: This is an awesome game, please keep up the great work! I might have already played through the entire story, twice (per side), but I have found myself wanting to play again.

  8. Just played through the two routes and this is a great game. Can't wait for the next update!

  9. Hey i download the 0.6.b.8 I found out that brothel scene can not be unlock even
    after i lvl up, Why? is it just me?(I did pick light part but last year i download this game i can unlock it~) Btw i put donna phoebe and cecille. I hope this is contribution.

    1. My mistake you should wait some times before they started get customer @_@

  10. Hello Ker.

    I am a fan of your game and it help inspired me to try and make my own H-game using RPG Maker. However there are some question i need to ask you.

    Did you make the HCG in Harem using 3D Custom Girl ? If yes, then how did you do to make several girls appeared at the same time ?

  11. someone can post the save cg to have full acess to the cg gallery in game? thanks

  12. https://trello.com/

  13. Hey ker,

    Hey, total FYI, but it seems offbeatr is now allowing games to be sold on their marketplace...

    Might be away to finally allow us to support you financially!

    Of course, it'd be odd selling something you're also giving away for free, so you might have to think about a way around it (premium version with negligibly added features? Or like some other folks, allow backers to get updates a week early?)...

    Just thought you might be interested! I'm there's more than a few of us who'd like to send you some spare change for all the work you've put into this!

    (Note: offbeatr has a funny policy where they say you can't mention certain things in your project's description, while it's allowed in the allow project... slight hurdle for you, but I'm sure you could make it work)

    Specifically we DON'T allow projects, rewards, or products to display or mention the following topics:

    1. Alternatively, this seems pretty easy to, and doesn't say anything about not accepting adult content:


  14. Is there any way to buy potions/weapons after the trial? Like, the mission to save Terra from that cult of hypocrites?

    1. Sorry forgot something: I couldn't find any shops during this period. The only possible way to survive this, is to stockpile a massive(MASSIVE) amount of Mana Potions, Health Potions, Revival Items, and other such recovery Items, which is nearly impossible because you're consistently using them for recovery. I bought over 70 Health Potions, Mana Potions, and Revival Items, and used most of them during the tentacle arc.

    2. I have not used a single potion during the whole playthrough. So it is definitely not necessary to buy that much.

      In the light version there is a vendor (grey hair, white jacket) right above the pink-haired woman (forgot her name) in the main builing of the grove.

    3. Thanks for the advice, gonna have to save my second playthrough, and check soon, but for now....

      *Charges up a lazor weedwhacker.* Time to trim some plants!!

    4. ...just use angelica to heal yourself

    5. Her healing isn't free... healing costs her energy source, and besides having her use potions on other people make them twice as effective

    6. Yes, but energy defaults in at 100%, meaning that she will be at full energy every time you rearrange your party (and probably after you do some other things as well).

    7. Angelica will be at full energy at the start of any battle, and her skills are essentially unlimited when outside of battle. If you run out of energy, just leave the skills screen to go back to the menu, and then open up the skills screen again and she'll be back at full energy.

      Keep your health topped off before any fight and you should be able to breeze through the majority of the fights without worrying about using potions or anything. I think I only used a handful in my entire playthrough.


  15. Can't wait to see the next build your doing a great job with the game and I was astonished when i saw how much time i put in to it don't know how much I loved your game until I look at the clock and saw that it was 5am and i have bin playing for 8 hour. Please keep up this great work and very interesting story line thank you.

  16. you a live ?

    if not sad face :'(

    Please keep up this great work and very interesting story line thank you.

  17. Where can I donate to support your project?

  18. *pokes with stick*
    It seems dead so so sad I love this game

  19. Give us a status update at least D: let us know if you are alive or not

  20. Are we ever going to get Alena on the Light Path?

    1. I doubt it. I admit I haven't played the Dark path (nor do I particularly plan to), but from what I've read on the Wiki it appears that Rhea and Alena are exclusive to the Light and Dark paths, respectively.

    2. It is possible to get both as long as you switch your alignment after getting one. So if you were slightly dark got Alena and then ran off and made some light choices and then came back and went for Rhea you could get both. You have to be near neutral to have a chance at that.

  21. paitence give him ome space and just wait til this mastehr paece gets finhesed

    1. status updates is not much to ask for... dont know if ppl have given money to this guy but if they have then i can understand why they want status updates

    2. for all u know he cold be in hspetal cuss he wold goten a accided (not tah tid know but its just a for instance)
      and he wont be back tehn for 10 mhonts maby?
      peopol thaes days simpaly dont have no paincints if teh tink teh cna do it betetr make u own game ezy fix :D

    3. What the fuck are you saying? Write understandable english ffs >.<

  22. God bless you sir for what you have done this far . . . even if we do not hear from you again . . . Your friend Death . . .

  23. I would still like to know how I can go about supporting or donating your development of this game

  24. Gratz on 0.75mil views

  25. This game is just fantastic! Thanks a lot for sharing this with us. just one thing let me a bit off, it's ok to sell in the end all the girls, but he should also keep some to himself since in the dark part he wants to become king too, so maybe he should also pay attention to that, not only training the slaves to please all, but especially him. But is just an opinion, it's not like i'm complaing, 'cause I really love this game. And if possible I hope to see more of Marianne (Vanessa's vice) since we don't have any h-scene with her in both paths. Again thanks a lot, your work is really awesome!

  26. First awesome loving light path cant wait for later content second do you have the back story (after the end of her quest content after trial) for Cecilia if so ok if not SPOILER info for those who havent done the quest maybe the reason for her not seeing the "light" as well as part of her hatred could be that some past ancestor for some reason had been put as a slave to someone on a holy quest by a god or angel but her ancestor had ended up turning on them for some reason killing them and escaping causing the quest to fail and getting them turned into a Shada the curse not only blocking her entire family from the light but also drawing misfortune and slavery to them fueling her hatred for slavery although some of the information that would prove her ancestor to have been in the wrong has been lost over time. The twist could be that the quest had been similar to Ralphs quest and that her assistance in the quest helps lead to redemption and breaking the curse as well as learning the truth. There got it out so couldnt forget would probably have to be altered some for the dark path. P.S yes I know the grammer hated english in school :P

  27. So, I played the game through (light path), and for the most part it was very well put together. There were a few oddities near the end (such as a few cases of 'invisible people' where a sprite isn't moved correctly, so you end up talking to a patch of empty air that you can't walk through), but that's to be expected in an in-progress work. What did kind of throw me was Teresa's character development. Even given the events in the fortress, I can't really reconcile the Teresa before those events with the one after, especially in regards to her comments to Terra (she's gone from 'must be rescued at all costs' to 'if she were a little further gone I'd have killed her myself'). I realize you're probably setting her up as sort of an antagonist with an uneasy alliance, but the shift in her personality (which, at least in how it is presented to the player, seems to go from 'caring and motherly' to 'murderous zealot' literally overnight) is quite jarring.

  28. Yes, the end of Harem =\

  29. And the wiki was closed down. Maybe something has happened to him. He hasn't been on hongfire since March. .

  30. " You are a live . . . " I say with Question marks ??? saw you in chat . . . right ???

    I know what should be added to the game . . .

    A true new neutral pass [ you make your own fight group . . . not join cult or anti-cult respectively . . . maybe . . . maybe not through fighting the city of Corsix in stead of going through the trial . . ., avoidance passes allies, civilians ( i. e. the Expedition stays out of the ears, eyes, . . . , and beings of the major and for that minor groups in Rata, Celee, . . ., and The Seas meaning the cities, strongholds, . . ., and or or ports . . . and The Expedition would be made up of women . . . harem, money, . . ., and materials or boat materials from outside the townships . . . through battles . . . and The Expedition would build and sail the boat home to the kingdom without even Rata or The Seas or for that matter Celee knowing you ), . . ., and or or enemies . . . no fighting group is made after . . . or maybe before . . . or because of a new pass in the city of Corsix by passing the trial . . . there would be fight through the city of Corsix . . . but no move would be made by the Expedition to fight in the cult war or civil war in Rata . . . and every move would be to complete the Expedition by getting the women, making the harem, . . ., and going home, passes to neutrally get good only and evil only girls like Rhea, Teresa, . . ., and Ariel . . . and still having passes in to and out of good, evil, . . ., or neutral . . . more neutral side-quests . . . a neutral main-quest ending, . . . and or or just more outs for the dark paths passes . . . for Terra . . . and just more paths . . . ] is what should be added to the game . . .

    1. avoidance passes what

      you mean Ralph should be a spy?

  31. Hello,

    With the wiki gone, I've run into a problem. I've been through the caves where I ran into the orc/goblin hideaway and dealt with the bad guy on the throne, but I still cant' find any explosives. I have done all the side quests in the towns I can get to, talked to the women in my harem to trigger any scenes. Retraced the towns and the caves (and the one 'bad guy tower' near your first Fortress) I can access to see if I missed anything. No luck. Did I glitch something?

    1. You don't get explosives until the tentacle town from memory.

  32. nope, explosive is sold by the soldier near the house at the right of the mines, and first donna has to have sex with him so she can gain a new spell

    1. No sir,

      While the explosives are located in that town, they are not obtained from the depressed, virgin soldier you're speaking of. They are obtained from the merchant in the nearby building.


  33. every thing from the wiki . . .


    friend . . .

    1. "==Main Charatcers== ===Ralph=== ===Donna=== ===Samantha=== ===Sarah=== ===Cindy=== ===Terra=== ===Angelica=== ===Jessica=== ===Rhea=== ===Alena=== ===Vanessa=== ===Noemi=== ===Isabella=== ===Phoebe=== ===Nicole=== ===Kathleen=== ===Cecilia=== ===Fenja=== ==Secoundary Characters== ==Enemies====Main Charatcers== ===Ralph=== The main protaganist of the game. He was noble in his kingdom secound in power only to the king. The king tricked him destorying his armies and stripping him of his titles and land. But when the kingdom was cursed so that all the women were barren he set out on a holy quest to claim slaves from other countries to repopulate his kingdom. His fleet was destroyed by a storm and he woke up alone on a island with only the Id Ring. A ring which turned his penis into an incredible weapon giving him godly stamina and making any women who he sleeps with crave him sexually. He sets out on his quest with this new weapon in 'hand' his actions good or evil are yours to choose. ===Donna=== A simple village girl from the fishing village who has long brown hair and brown eyes. She is the first girl you meet. She is also very loney since her fisher husband has been missing for days she also longs for adventure which you can provide. She is the first girl you can claim. She also acts as a healer for your party. ===Samantha=== A red haired singer who is at first snobbish towards you and anyone who she thinks is a peasent but you can 'fix' that and changer her attitude. She often complains if you make her do things that are she considers peasnt like especially working at the brothel. She is a famous singer who travels around the country but you meet her in fisher village where she is having a concert. She is the secound possible girl you can make yours. Her songs can motivate you or hinder enemies depending on the choices you make. ===Sarah=== A powerful and somewhat well known swords women who runs a weapon shop in Eleen. She perfers larger 2 handed weapons as her weapon of choice. She also has a submissive streak enjoying anal and being tied up. You challenge her 3 times if you win 3 time she joins your harem. She also has won the respect of many military figures in Ratan and you win theirs by claiming her. ===Cindy=== A girl with girl with cheli blood giving her a dark domplexion and full bosom. She is on a holy pilgrimage when you meet her buit she had been tricked by a man into being a slave you can make her eyours if you unlock her collar. She acts as the Madame of the brothel if you get it. She has also been trained in the art of making love. ===Terra=== ===Angelica=== ===Jessica=== ===Rhea=== ===Alena=== I haven't played through the dark path yet so i no nothing of this girl I also need an image of her for this page. ===Vanessa=== ===Noemi=== ===Isabella=== ===Phoebe=== ===Nicole=== ===Kathleen=== ===Cecilia=== ===Fenja=== ==Secoundary Characters== ==Enemies== Alena is a warrior on Padaj to kill someone who has murdered an entire family. When you meet her in West Corsix, she's looking for a way

    2. enemies. She also has a submissive streak, enjoying anal and being tied up. She has won the respect of many military figures in Ratan and you win theirs by claiming her.A girl with Cheli blood giving her a dark complexion and full bosom. She is on a holy pilgrimage when you meet her, but she had been tricked by a man into being a slave. You can make her yours if you unlock her collar. She acts as the Madame of the brothel if you get it. She has also been trained in the art of making love. She does not fight in your party. A female mage whom you first encounter while she is being led away in chains by Namuhists. After rescuing her from the Namuhists and freeing her from 3 demons, you figure out she still needs help. Taking her to one of the few non Namuhist preists, you go into her mind using an old ritual. After learning about her life and defeating her demon you can choose to totally dominate her (Dark Path) or let her be free of demons and become your slave willingly (Light path). She is a mage, raining down magic on your enemies at the cost of mana. After the trial you either go to retrieve her from the Namuhists or rescue her from the Namuhists depending on your path.She is the daughter of the mayor of Eowen and is at first kidnapped by orcs. She is freed by you after defeating the orcs and she becomes your slave, though her father isn’t told of this. He just thinks you are travelling together. She is an apothecary who can heal your wounds as well as turn flowers your find while walking around on the map into potions for you. She can also turn the strange fungus that grows on tentacle beasts into a strength increasing potion to make you stronger. She has and long blonde hair with cute face. She can’t work in the brothel seeing that it’s located in her father city and you need to maintain good relations with her. A beautiful ranger whom you meet outside of Eleen she is part of the Circle Guild, a righteous group of adventures trying to do right. After greeting them they leave but you meet Jessica again in the pub in Eowen where you can go on a date with her if you destroy the orcs harassing Eowen. In the Western Corsix you meet her again and she helps you clear the tunnels of tentacle beasts. After clearing them out, you sleep with her again and she promises to become your slave when you meet again in Corsix. She is Ranger who when you meet her possesses the stongest ranged weapon in the game at that point, the Crossbow using focus, an energy that recharges quickly unless she's attacked, to rain arrows on your enemies. She's also a very good scout. Rhea is a monk of Tenta order. She is a master of physical combat who can increase her attack by focusing her energy and, like Sarah, uses rage to unleash more devasting attacks. She is the slave of a cruel master Edrin, whom treats her like she is dirt and made her accidentally kill another slave during a punishment. Over the course of his tournament, Sarah will either comfort her (Light Path) or ignore her (Dark Path). In the Light Path, Sarah convinces you to trick him out

    3. of ownership of Rhea, using his greediness and rashness to your benefit. Her order does not believe in slavery but she was tricked into it by Edrin who hired a group of orc’s to hold some children hostage and would only free them if she swore herself to him. She doesn't know much of the world due to her training in her school until recently. Alena is a warrior on Padaj to kill someone who has murdered an entire family. When you meet her in West Corsix, she's looking for a way past the quarantine to get to the rest of Eliba. You tell her about the secret passage through the Fortress of the Sands that'll allow her to do that, offering to allow her to spend the night. In the light path, you realize that her quest is too good to have her be your slave, so you let her go on her way the next morning, never to see her again (as of version 0.5.1 anyway). In the dark path, you don't care and spike her food the morning after with sleeping potion, leading into a short fight against her. Afterwards, you rape her, only to discover that her Padaj prevents her from feeling pleasure and holy/dark magic, stopping you from making her your slave until the Padaj is broken. With the help of Samantha, you learn who she wants to kill and poison him in front of her, breaking the Padaj and making her open to pleasure again and breaking her into your slave. Alena is a ranged fighter who, like Sarah and Rhea, gains rage the more damage she does to her opponent. She is the Captain of the guards in Western Corsix and she does you in the back alley after you get Samantha to giver her guardsmen a show. She falls in love with you and meets you while you are under house arrest in Corsix, promising to become your slave after the trial. A Chelish woman who hates Ratans and was the bandit Red Hawke who stole exclusively from Ratans. She was going to steal from you, but you caught her and punished her before she escaped. She is the sister of Phoebe and considers you to be Quentlol, the male Chelish god of Fertility and Sex. She is reluctant to join you but in the end she does after her sister helps convince you. She will not work in the brothel unless you build a well in her city. She wants that Ratans to free the Chelish and she supports you in your quest to bring back the princess of Rata as a slave to your country. She is a thief, using her moves to weaken your enemies. A Namuhist priestess who was trying to do something on top of the tower of Salem before you stopped her, taunting you by saying she would never be addicted to your cum. Eventually, she does give in, though not before getting you arrested in Corsix. She is a Chelish Woman who is the sister of Noemi. She believes you are the Quentlol as soon as she meets you due to Noemi's words. She is a bookworm and loves anything ancient, her love of the learning going so far that she likes to work in the brothel in order to learn interesting things from archeologists and such. She helps you free her sister from prison and convince her sister to help you. She is the first virgin you can deflower.

    4. She has beautiful dark skin and with long dark hair and eyes and, to top it all off, dresses like a school girl. She does not fight. She is a kind girl whose village was destroyed with her as the only survivor she knows of. She was raised by the Namuhists and was treated kindly until they began to beat her and forced her to be a gift to you by threatening her sisters life. She is the second Virgin you deflower, though not much else is known about her at the moment. A strange girl who became the guardian of a tomb after touching a cursed sword. You save her and find out she lived 500 years ago but not much else because she falls to the ground unconscious due to malnourishment. She is left in your desert fortress to recover and is taken care of by Fenja (as of version 0.5.1). A musician who loves Samantha's work and memorized all her songs. You make her your slave to get into the first orc village. She is hesitant around men and prefers the company of women. She is already a slave to someone in Corsix and leaves you after the trial scene. She does not fight. She is a girl you rescue from the jungle orc village and acts as your maid for your fortress. She leaves before you enter Corsix to take care of Kathleen, who is still recovering (as of version 0.5.1). She does not fight.

    5. This is a guide for the scenes not a description of each that would take forever to write and seeing them is better for fapping than a half baked description of a scene by Savyar == Scenes for Donna== ===On the beach, no one can hear you scream (dark)=== When you first see Donna, simply choose to rape her. ===A new path (light)=== Choose the seduce option when you first see Donna. ===Food can wait=== After you get Donna, complete the side-quest she gives you in the secret hideout. Then speak to her again for the h-scene. Light path only had to have seen the scene A New path. ===Burning breakfast=== After you get Donna and either refuse or accept the side quest she gives you talk to her again to gte the H-scene. You had to have chosen the dark path and seen the scene: On the beach, no one can hear you scream. ===An Act of kindness=== In wester Corsix there is gaurd near the house with the man who sells you weapons talk to him to activate the scene must be playing Light path. ===What's mine is yours=== In wester Corsix there is gaurd near the house with the man who sells you weapons talk to him to activate the scene must be playing Dark path. ===Full body Healing=== You get this scene during the trial if you choose Donna to get someone's vote. You go to the inn and talk to the manager the rest is self explanitory. This is light path only. ===But they are for the weak=== On the dark path Donna will refuse to help the sick boy. Take her to the strip club and order a drink from the bar. This should activate a scene. ===Bonus 1=== Get pirate necklace from cave outside of Eleen. Scene is diffrent depending on if you chose light or dark path. ==Scenes for Samantha== ===Ruffies are for the weak === After Entering the Fishing Village and meeting Samantha you head to the inn in the inn you talk to the barman and chose the option to work at the bar and then after giving each customer a drink talk to the barman and get Samantha's drink. Head to the washrooms in the back and use the toilet to spike the drink with your cum and give it to Samantha. ===The Aft

    6. to help others

      will post more tomorrow

  34. Thank you for posting this!

  35. er Party=== After Entering the Fishing Village and meeting Samantha you head to the inn in the inn you talk to the barman and chose the option to sit and relax with a drink use the free table and the scene will countinue until you start a fight with her and then you defeat her. After that you return to hideout and go to the cell there and interact with Samantha to get your scene. ===Earning a Room=== In the Inn in Eleen talk to the manager he asks if you want to have Samantha sing and if you want you can have her strip and then let her get fucked by some guys who pay you. ===Unhappy Fan=== After losing to Sarah you go to Lex (hooded man) in the Fishing Village and talk to him about a posion to win and chose to barter and give him Samantha for two days. After beating Sarah with the posion go back to Lex to gather Samantha and see the scene. ===Duet=== After making a deal with the Mayor of Eleen to get his Daughter you go to the Orc Village and Samantha suggest you get another singer and so you go to the pub and talk to the singer starting the scene. ===You Have to Be More Than A Singer=== After you get the brothel Samantha will refuse to work there saying she is too important but you can chose to punish her or leave her alone choosing to punish her gives you this scene when you return to one of your bases and talking to her. In western Corsix in the guard house talk to Vanessa and agree to have Samantha sing and strip for the troops when they offer to pay to use her refuse and protect her to get this scene. ===Did You Think A Song Would Be Enough=== In western Corsix in the guard house talk to Vanessa and agree to have Samantha sing and strip for the troops when they offer to pay to use her agree to get this scene ===A Sandy Thank You=== After taking Sarah To the beach talk to Samantha and take her to the Beach Resort in the Fishing Village and talk to the manager and choose the blue bathing suit to see this scene. ===Everyone Has a Part To Play=== After taking Sarah To the beach talk to Samantha and take her to the Beach Resort in the Fishing Village and talk to the manager and choose the Red bathing suit to see this scene. ===I Will Give It To You=== ===A Good Trade=== In Corsix light path chose to take out

  36. out Samantha and talk to the owner of the Brothel in the city and agree to his deal to have him vote innocent for Ralph and you will become one of his whores for the day. ===The Show They Want=== ==Scenes for Sarah== ===To The Winner=== In Eleen challenge the Weapon Store wner to duel and win this is the first scene. ===A Win Win=== In Eleen challenge the Sarah to a second fight and win this is a slightly harderfight, this is the second scene. ===All The Chips Are In=== In Eleen challenge the Sarah to a third fight and win this is a fairly hard fight this is the third scene. After this she is your slave. ===Fighting Is Hard=== Lose to Sara once. Then talk to the hooded man in the fishing village who stands to the right of the inn. He'll give you the option of giving him Samantha for awhile or getting a plant for him (which sits in the pirates cove, near the entrance.) With that done, go to Eleen, choose to enter at night and got to Sara's house above the weapon shop. Poison the blue drink container in the living room area. Go stay at the inn, steal gold from the church to afford it if you are''''' '''''broke. Now you should be able to challenge her and win easily. Now she'll be in your dungeon, talk to her for a scene. (Available on either path, must have fighting turned on, however, to be able to lose to Sarah initially.) ===Hard To Breathe=== Talk to her in the dungeon a second time. ===Attack The Weak Point=== Talk to her in the dungeon a third time. ===Show The Goods=== This scene should trigger automatically should you choose to open the brothel, when you visit the mayor for approval. ===She Wants More=== ===Maybe She Liked It=== ===Ya She Definetly Likes it (Light Path)=== Talk to her in the forteress of sands for the scene. ===To The winner Redux (Dark Path)=== Talk to Sarah in the Fortress of Sands. There are some slight differences depending on how you acquired her. Gallery mode assumes you poisoned her. ===Just Can't Win a Fair Fight=== ===I Am Here For You (Light Path)=== Happens automatically during Ralph's trial

  37. ===Earning a Day Pass=== In the jail in Corsix, run in and hide in the big room. Then the scene will automatically occur. ===An Unwilling rescue=== Talk to the caged man in the dungeons of Corsix after attaning the scene listed above. ===I Usually Dream of Puppies=== In the tower where you fight Isabella, there should be a glowing mirror in a room on the second floor. It'll open a hatch on the right side of that same room. Enter it and talk to Sarah. ==Scenes for Cindy== ===Distractions=== Come back to Jorg's camp after stopping in Eleen's apothecary/armor shop to find out how to remove her collar. ===A different kind of interview=== Choose to come to a compromise with Jon when turning Eowen's hotel into a brotel ===Oh ya I was on a quest=== ===How do you train for this?=== ==Scenes for Terra== ===Savior?=== Defeat the Priestesses you find her with ===What a free mind can do (Light Path)=== Choose to allow her to have a free will after defeating her demon ===From one master to another (Dark Path)=== Choose to totally dominate her mind after defeating her demon ===Was it really?=== Choose to have Jon exiled in order to turn Eowen's hotel into a brotel ===Everyone wants some=== Automatically happens immediately after "Was it really?" ===Pain and pleasure (Light Path)=== Talk to her in base after defeating her demons and freeing her will ===Showing off (Dark Path)=== Talk to her in base after defeating her demons and totally dominating her mind ===A second chance (Light Path)=== Talk to her in base after defeating her demons and freeing her will ===Isn't always a good thing (Dark Path)=== Talk to her in base after defeating her demons and totally dominating her mind ===A knowing touch (Light Path)=== Talk to Teresa in her garden during Ralph's trial ===I thought that spell was unique=== ===All of her (Light Path)=== Take her to the Resort in the Fishing Village when she asks ===We have ways of making you talk=== Take her to the Resort in the Fishing Village after Samantha informs you Terra starts acting strange ===Bonus- This is why you don't let people dig through your stuff=== While fighting to free her mind from her demon, collect all 5 of her memory fragments from random encounter enemies ==Scenes for Angelica== ===More Than a Beast=== Storyline scene. Simply defeat the Orc Chief to get it ===Good Bedside Manner (Light Path)=== Talk to her in your base after acquiring her. ===This Feels Familiar (Dark Path)=== Talk to her in your base after acquiring her. ===Showing Off (Light Path)=== Talk to Edrin in his room at the Inn after defeating Rhea ===Put in Her Place (Dark Path)=== Talk to Edrin in his room at the Inn after defeating Rhea ===The Price of Freedom (Light Path)=== Talk to Edrin in Earthly Desires while trying to free Ralph during the trial ===Doing What it Takes=== ===Bonus 1- Great Side Effect/There Was Supposed to be a Waiver First=== Collect 5 (or 10) Strange Fungus off of the Tentacle Beasts while clearing out the mine then talk to Angelica back at the base. ==Scenes for Jessica== ===A good deed goes

  38. rewarded (Light Path)=== Go on a date with Jessica after destroying the Orc village and choose to seduce her ===Taking the reward (Dark Path)=== Go on a date with Jessica after destroying the Orc Village and choose to get her drunk ===A moment alone=== Fight in the Corsix mines until you hit a narrow passage and the scene will trigger on its own ===What are friends for=== ===Everyone likes it=== Talk to Jessica during the party Corsix holds in your honor after defeating the Tentacle King ===Donnie? Who needs him=== ===Things that go bump in the night=== ===Showing off=== ===Taking what is yours=== ==Scenes for Rhea== ===A better boss (Light Path)=== Talk to Rhea after acquiring her ===At her pace (Light Path)=== Talk to Rhea after acquiring her ===Old friends and inhibitions (Light Path)=== During Ralph's trial, help Ulya get her artifact back from theives. ===The price of failure=== Lose the fight against the thieves. ===It feels different when you watch=== Talk to eldrin at earthly desires. Follow him to his room. ==Scenes for Alena== ===This always worked before (Dark Path)=== Happens automatically after defeating her in combat after she's taken the sleeping potion ===A friendly chat (Dark Path)=== Talk to Samantha and go down to the dungeons after finding out what a Pedaj is ===Not exactly what she wanted (Dark Path)=== Go down to the dungeons after defeating Lex in the fisher village ===Escape attempt (Dark Path)=== Talk to Alena at the base after you've broken her ===An old flame=== ===Watching the Rain=== (To be honest, I'm not sure how I got this, but there's a bug in the game allowing you to automatically get it) ==Scenes for Vanessa== ===Everyone has needs=== Talk to her after having Samantha put on a show for her soldiers ===Joining the cause=== Happens automatically during Ralph's trial ==Scenes for Noemi== ===The tables are turned=== Defeat her after she breaks into your base ===The price of freedom=== Defeat her in the secret passage of her house ===Doing time=== Use Phoebe to allow you time to free Noemi in West Corsix ===That's a unique flavor=== Talk to Noemi after you free her from jail ===Justice of a sort=== Go back to Eowen and talk to the mayor after acquiring Noemi ===Joining the cause=== Talk to Noemi at the base after "Justice of a sort" ===A well for a whore?=== ===Not taking no for an answer=== ===Wait why am I here?=== ===I thought you only paid a whore before?=== ===Not a position of strength=== Talk to the tax collector during Ralph's trial ===This is my forest!=== ===Wearing them out=== ==Scenes for Isabella== ===Sorry to interrupt=== Defeat Isabella after reaching the top of the tower ===I really have to ask?=== ===Willing subject=== Happens automatically during Ralph's trial. Some slight differences between light and dark paths. Gallery will only show dark path variant. ===A second helping=== Happens automatically during Ralph's trial ==Scenes for Phoebe== ===Breaking the girl (Light Path)=== Talk to Phoebe after acquiring her ===Taking the girl (Dark Path)=== Talk to Phoebe after acquiring

  39. her ===Buying time=== Enter the jail where Noemi is being kept ===There is a technique=== Talk to Noemi after "Buying time" happens ===Jones and the sisters=== ===Role reversal=== ===Brothel 2=== ==Scenes for Nicole== ===Taken (Dark Path)=== During Ralph's trial, accept Danielle's offer to take Nicole as a slave ===Offered (Light Path)=== During Ralph's trial, decline Danielle's offer to take Nicole as a slave ==Scenes for Kathleen== ===A blast from the past=== Defeat Kathleen as the Guardian ==Scenes for Cecilia== ===False pretenses=== ===This feels awfully real (Light Path)=== Talk to Cecilia after acquiring her ===More than lip service (Dark Path)=== Talk to Cecilia after acquiring her ==Scenes for Fenja== ===Rescued=== Defeat the Jungle Orc Shaman in the Jungle Orc Village ===Half the work was already done!=== =='''Scenes That multiple Girls Have'''== ==='''

  40. more tomorrow to help people

  41. Hmm... I'm compiling how to get each CG scene and I've noticed that getting Donna's bonus unlocks both light and dark versions at once.

    On a completely different topic, Samantha Light skill, Motivational Chant is extremely powerful in my opinion. Might want to look into balancing it to give less attack power, as it currently is, it turns even Donna into someone able to deal the same amount of damage as the male lead without the buff.

    1. Same anon here, you might also want to take a look at Samantha's Brothel scene unlock. I believe she needs more than one round of customers to unlock her scene in game (i haven't tried as of yet) but the scene unlocks as soon as she gets her first customer.

      Also, there's a couple of missing scenes from the cg list that I've noticed, Terra's scene with the hero if you chose the exile path (reasonably spoiler free methinks) doesn't seem to be anywhere. Samantha and her partner failing to placate the orcs is also missing even if that barely counts as a scene.

    2. oh crap. I'm sorry, the first missing scene is a fail on my part. I documented my numbering wrongly haha. I'm sorry about that >_<;

      The scene exists in the cg list.

  42. are you still alive buddy?

  43. This scene is the result of an Evil story line choice where you chose to offer a girl to the tentacle beasts so you can kill the Tentacle King easily. Only combat party members can have this scene there is one exception Noemi can’t do this.

    ==Scenes under other in the CG mode== ===You again?=== Story related you will see it ===Yin to the Yang=== Story related you will see it. == Hentai Scenes that are not in CG Gallery==

    In the resort wheather you pick the Blue or Red options where you have your way with Sarah or she is raped by Lex is not currently in the Gallery.

    In Orc Village, the scenes where Samantha and her duo Strip naked and play for the Orc’s camp and then watch Angelica suck off the Orc chieftain is currently not in the Gallery.

    Sleep: Scenes with each girl that can be in your party including Jessica while she is part of your party. They only occur when you rest the night in an Inn or one of your bases (not all the time though) sometimes you are just given a black screen and the message: "You have a Good night’s rest"

  44. Vanessa scene right after Samantha dances for the guards and she has sex with you, when you tell her to have sex with the guards and you talk to her again, that scene is

    Sarah to the winner.To the winner (Sarah) Good Trade(Samantha)Good Trade (Samantha) This is a guide for the scenes not a description of each that would take forever to write and seeing them is better for fapping than a half baked description of a scene by Savyar == Scenes for Donna== ===On the beach, no one can hear you scream (dark)=== When you first see Donna, simply choose to rape her. ===A new path (light)=== Choose the seduce option when you first see Donna. ===Food can wait=== After you get Donna, complete the side-quest she gives you in the secret hideout. Then speak to her again for the h-scene. Light path only had to have seen the scene A New path. ===Burning breakfast=== After you get Donna and either refuse or accept the side quest she gives you talk to her again to get the H-scene. You had to have chosen the dark path and seen the scene: On the beach, no one can hear you scream. (Note: There may be a bug that prevents the scene from opening in the Gallery after seeing this scene) ===An Act of kindness=== In West Corsix there is gaurd near the house with the man who sells you weapons talk to him to activate the scene must be playing Light path. ===What's mine is yours=== In West Corsix there is gaurd near the house with the man who sells you weapons talk to him to activate the scene must be playing Dark path. ===Full body Healing=== You get this scene during the trial if you choose Donna to get someone's vote. You go to the inn and talk to the manager the rest is self explanitory. This is light path only. ===But they are for the weak=== On the dark path Donna will refuse to help the sick boy. Take her to the strip club and order a drink from the bar. This should activate a scene. ===Bonus 1=== Get pirate necklace from cave outside of Eleen. Scene is diffrent depending on if you chose light or dark path. ==Scenes for Samantha== ===Ruffies are for the weak === After Entering the Fishing Village and meeting Samantha you head to the inn in the inn you talk to the barman and chose the option to work at the bar and then after giving each customer a drink talk to the barman and get Samantha's drink. Head to the washrooms in the back and use the toilet to spike the drink with your cum and give it to Samantha. ===The After Party=== After Entering the Fishing Village and meeting Samantha you head to the inn in the inn you talk to the barman and chose the option to sit and relax with a drink use the free table and the scene will countinue until you start a fight with her and then you defeat her. After that you return to hideout and go to the cell there and interact with Samantha to get your scene. ===Earning a Room=== In the Inn in Eleen talk to the manager he asks if you want to have Samantha sing and if you want you can have her strip and then let her get fucked by some guys who pay you. ===Unhappy Fan=== After losing to Sarah you go to Lex (hooded man) in the Fishing Village and talk to him about a posion to win and chose to barter and give him Samantha for two days. After beating Sarah with the posion go back to Lex to gather Samantha and see the scene. ===Duet=== After making a deal with the Mayor of Eleen to get his Daughter you go to the Orc Village and Samantha suggest you get another singer and so you go to the pub and talk to the singer starting the scene. ===You Have to Be More Than A Singer===

    After you get the brothel Samantha will refuse to work there saying she is too important but you can chose to punish her or leave her alone choosing to punish her gives you this scene when you return to one of your bases and talking to her.

    ===Sexual Healing=== ===Queen Of the Roost=== ===Entertaining The Troops===

    In western Corsix in the guard house talk to Vanessa and agree to have Samantha sing and strip for the troops when they offer to pay to use her refuse and protect her to get this scene.

  45. In western Corsix in the guard house talk to Vanessa and agree to have Samantha sing and strip for the troops when they offer to pay to use her refuse and protect her to get this scene.

    ===Did You Think A Song Would Be Enough===

    ===A Sandy Thank You=== After taking Sarah To the beach talk to Samantha and take her to the Beach Resort in the Fishing Village and talk to the manager and choose the blue bathing suit to see this scene. ===Everyone Has a Part To Play=== After taking Sarah To the beach talk to Samantha and take her to the Beach Resort in the Fishing Village and talk to the manager and choose the Red bathing suit to see this scene. ===I Will Give It To You=== ===A Good Trade=== In Corsix light path chose to take out Samantha and talk to the owner of the Brothel in the city and agree to his deal to have him vote innocent for Ralph and you will become one of his whores for the day. ===The Show They Want=== ==Scenes for Sarah== ===To The Winner=== In Eleen challenge the Weapon Store wner to duel and win this is the first scene. ===A Win Win=== In Eleen challenge the Sarah to a second fight and win this is a slightly harderfight, this is the second scene. ===All The Chips Are In=== In Eleen challenge the Sarah to a third fight and win this is a fairly hard fight this is the third scene. After this she is your slave. ===Fighting Is Hard=== Lose to Sara once. Then talk to the hooded man in the fishing village who stands to the right of the inn. He'll give you the option of giving him Samantha for awhile or getting a plant for him (which sits in the pirates cove, near the entrance.) With that done, go to Eleen, choose to enter at night and got to Sara's house above the weapon shop. Poison the blue drink container in the living room area. Go stay at the inn, steal gold from the church to afford it if you are''''' '''''broke. Now you should be able to challenge her and win easily. Now she'll be in your dungeon, talk to her for a scene. (Available on either path, must have fighting turned on, however, to be able to lose to Sarah initially.) ===Hard To Breathe===

  46. Talk to her in the dungeon a second time. ===Attack The Weak Point=== Talk to her in the dungeon a third time. ===Show The Goods=== This scene should trigger automatically should you choose to open the brothel, when you visit the mayor for approval. ===She Wants More=== ===Maybe She Liked It=== ===Ya She Definetly Likes it (Light Path)=== Talk to her in the forteress of sands for the scene. ===To The winner Redux (Dark Path)=== Talk to Sarah in the Fortress of Sands. There are some slight differences depending on how you acquired her. Gallery mode assumes you poisoned her. ===Just Can't Win a Fair Fight=== ===I Am Here For You (Light Path)=== Happens automatically during Ralph's trial ===Earning a Day Pass=== In the jail in Corsix, run in and hide in the big room. Then the scene will automatically occur. ===An Unwilling rescue=== Talk to the caged man in the dungeons of Corsix after attaning the scene listed above. ===I Usually Dream of Puppies=== In the tower where you fight Isabella, there should be a glowing mirror in a room on the second floor. It'll open a hatch on the right side of that same room. Enter it and talk to Sarah. ==Scenes for Cindy== ===Distractions=== Come back to Jorg's camp after stopping in Eleen's apothecary/armor shop to find out how to remove her collar. ===A different kind of interview=== Choose to come to a compromise with Jon when turning Eowen's hotel into a brotel ===Oh ya I was on a quest=== ===How do you train for this? (Light Path)=== Talk to her after acquiring the Fortress of Sand ==Scenes for Terra== ===Savior?=== Defeat the Priestesses you find her with ===What a free mind can do (Light Path)=== Choose to allow her to have a free will after defeating her demon ===From one master to another (Dark Path)=== Choose to totally dominate her mind after defeating her demon ===Was it really?=== Choose to have Jon exiled in order to turn Eowen's hotel into a brotel ===Everyone wants some=== Automatically happens immediately after "Was it really?" ===Pain and pleasure (Light Path)=== Talk to her in base after defeating her demons and freeing her will ===Showing off (Dark Path)=== Talk to her in base after defeating her demons and totally dominating her mind ===A second chance (Light Path)=== Talk to her in base after defeating her demons and freeing her will ===Isn't always a good thing (Dark Path)=== Talk to her in base after defeating her demons and totally dominating her mind ===A knowing touch (Light Path)=== Talk to Teresa in her garden during Ralph's trial ===I

  47. ===I thought that spell was unique=== ===All of her (Light Path)=== Take her to the Resort in the Fishing Village when she asks ===We have ways of making you talk (Dark Path)=== Take her to the Resort in the Fishing Village after Samantha informs you Terra starts acting strange ===Bonus- This is why you don't let people dig through your stuff=== While fighting to free her mind from her demon, collect all 5 of her memory fragments from random encounter enemies ==Scenes for Angelica== ===More Than a Beast=== Storyline scene. Simply defeat the Orc Chief to get it ===Good Bedside Manner (Light Path)=== Talk to her in your base after acquiring her. ===This Feels Familiar (Dark Path)=== Talk to her in your base after acquiring her. ===Showing Off (Light Path)=== Talk to Edrin in his room at the Inn after defeating Rhea ===Put in Her Place (Dark Path)=== Talk to Edrin in his room at the Inn after defeating Rhea ===The Price of Freedom (Light Path)=== Talk to Edrin in Earthly Desires while trying to free Ralph during the trial ===Doing What it Takes=== ===Bonus 1- Great Side Effect/There Was Supposed to be a Waiver First=== Collect 5 (or 10) Strange Fungus off of the Tentacle Beasts while clearing out the mine then talk to Angelica back at the base. ==Scenes for Jessica== ===A good deed goes rewarded (Light Path)=== Go on a date with Jessica after destroying the Orc village and choose to seduce her ===Taking the reward (Dark Path)=== Go on a date with Jessica after destroying the Orc Village and choose to get her drunk ===A moment alone=== Fight in the Corsix mines until you hit a narrow passage and the scene will trigger on its own ===What are friends for=== ===Everyone likes it=== Talk to Jessica during the party Corsix holds in your honor after defeating the Tentacle King ===Donnie? Who needs him=== ===Things that go bump in the night=== ===Showing off=== ===Taking what is yours=== ==Scenes for Rhea== ===A better boss (Light Path)=== Talk to Rhea after acquiring her ===At her pace (Light Path)=== Talk to Rhea after acquiring her ===Old friends and inhibitions (Light Path)=== During Ralph's trial, help Ulya get her artifact back from theives. ===The price of failure=== Lose the fight against the thieves. ===It feels different when you watch=== Talk to eldrin at earthly desires. Follow him to his room. ==Scenes for Alena== ===This always worked before (Dark Path)=== Happens automatically after defeating her in combat after she's taken the sleeping potion ===A friendly chat (Dark Path)=== Talk to Samantha and go down to the dungeons after finding out what a Pedaj is ===Not exactly what she wanted (Dark Path)=== Go down to the dungeons after defeating Lex in the fisher village ===Escape attempt (Dark Path)=== Talk to Alena at the base after you've broken her ===An old flame (Dark Path)=== Go to the shop in Corsix and talk to the man behind the counter to initiate the scene. ===Watching the Rain=== (To be honest, I'm not sure how I got this, but there's a bug in the game allowing you to automatically get it)

  48. ==Scenes for Vanessa== ===Everyone has needs=== Talk to her after having Samantha put on a show for her soldiers ===Joining the cause=== Happens automatically during Ralph's trial ==Scenes for Noemi== ===The tables are turned=== Defeat her after she breaks into your base ===The price of freedom=== Defeat her in the secret passage of her house ===Doing time=== Use Phoebe to allow you time to free Noemi in West Corsix ===That's a unique flavor=== Talk to Noemi after you free her from jail ===Justice of a sort=== Go back to Eowen and talk to the mayor after acquiring Noemi ===Joining the cause=== Talk to Noemi at the base after "Justice of a sort" ===A well for a whore?=== Follow the instructions for "not taking no for an answer" only pick the blue option this time. Noemi wants a well for her village, so go to Eowen's bar and talk to the guy in the red bandana and pay him to build one. Talk to him again and he say he's built it (he's damn good, he even never left!) Then go to the Chilei Village for the scene. ===Not taking no for an answer=== Go to the brothel and offer to have her work there, only to have her refuse. Talk to her in your base and pick the red option. ===Wait why am I here?=== Dark path only, may depend on her lack of participation in the brothel (don't do it.) Follow the same instructions for the Phoebe scene "Brothel 2" and then go to the tent outside the dungeon where you find Kathleen and talk to Jones. This scene is an alternate take of the Phoebe scene "Jones and the sisters", with Noemi being unwilling this time. ===I thought you only paid a whore before?=== ===Not a position of strength=== Talk to the tax collector during Ralph's trial ===This is my forest!=== Lose to the thieves in the forest. ===Wearing them out=== Offer yourself up to the men instead of fighting them. May or may not depend on participation in the brothel. ==Scenes for Isabella== ===Sorry to interrupt=== Defeat Isabella after reaching the top of the tower ===I really have to ask?=== Refuse her when she comes to talk to you in the cell. ===Willing subject=== Happens automatically during Ralph's trial. Some slight differences between light and dark paths. Gallery will only show dark path variant. ===A second helping=== Happens automatically during Ralph's trial ==Scenes for Phoebe== ===Breaking the girl (Light Path)=== Talk to Phoebe after acquiring her ===Taking the girl (Dark Path)=== Talk to Phoebe after acquiring her ===Buying time=== Enter the jail where Noemi is being kept ===There is a technique=== Talk to Noemi after "Buying time" happens ===Jones and the sisters=== If you saw the scene brothel 2 for Phoebe, you should get this scene in the leftmost tent outside the dungeon where you fight Kathleen. ===Role reversal=== In Corsix talk to the librarian in the library. Search the bookshelves for the document you seek. Talk to the librarian and then go into the room he enters. ===Brothel 2=== Put her in the brothel before you beat the mine. After you approach the wall of fire, talk to her in brothel for the scene.

  49. ==Scenes for Nicole== ===Taken (Dark Path)=== During Ralph's trial, accept Danielle's offer to take Nicole as a slave ===Offered (Light Path)=== During Ralph's trial, decline Danielle's offer to take Nicole as a slave ==Scenes for Kathleen== ===A blast from the past=== Defeat Kathleen as the Guardian ==Scenes for Cecilia== ===False pretenses=== ===This feels awfully real (Light Path)=== Talk to Cecilia after acquiring her ===More than lip service (Dark Path)=== Talk to Cecilia after acquiring her ==Scenes for Fenja== ===Rescued=== Defeat the Jungle Orc Shaman in the Jungle Orc Village and choose to seduce Fenja ===Half the work was already done!=== Defeat the Jungle Orc Shaman in the Jungel Orc Village and choose to immeditely take Fenja =='''Scenes That multiple Girls Have'''==

    more tomorrow to help people

  50. so the wiki's down I take it dame I need that.

    1. What's the problem? Maybe someone can help?

    2. well you see let me start here "hi my names demented I'm a completionist I have a problem I have to beat every little part of this game. So if some one copy'ed the wiki and one point that would be just great..."

  51. I love this game, it is one of the better H-RPGs that I have played I look forward to seeing more of this fine game.

    One question though will the player be able to go back to Corsix so he can helped the *cursed* women that you encounter while trying to get the nobles to vote innocent for the main character?

  52. Hey Hi just transferred my saved from a previous version but I don't have access to the scene anymore (in cg mode) can someone tell me what I must do short of restarting everything ?

  53. soooooo
    anyone heard anything from ker..... it`s getting lonely

  54. Ker.....
    Someone there...?
    *pulls my ear to listen*
    No reply...
    "It's too scary being lonely..."

  55. I really enjoy this game... too long since the last info Ker give us.... hope he still working on it :D... if u still working on it Ker... pls gave us some news or atleast reply :D

  56. Just played the game light and dark if you have not tryed both path's there two different games and both great one's its clear how much hard work was but in to it

  57. the mysterious disappearance of a beloved internet icon



    has not gone unnoticed

  58. Also I've tested the game and reached the point where players have to find Terra so Angelica can proceed to healing Vanessa on the Evil Path but can't talk to Terra since she is stuck behind Vanessa.

    I'm guessing this is either the end point of the current version or that Terra is bugged.

    1. If this is a bug please fix it in the next update because if it is a bug it will prevent players from saving Vanessa when they need to bring Terra to Angelica and Vanessa in the medical area.

  59. got any guide ?? stuck after get noemi little sister or stuck at orc cave. need find some explosion where to find ??

    1. If I remember correctly, you can buy explosives from the supply guy in West Corsix. If not there, than somewhere else within that town.

  60. Please dont be the Half life or Final Fantasy 15 of RPG Maker H Games!! I played 0.6b8 fully and it was such a great game that i want to play it with my wife again when its finished! (I'm dead serious here we both enjoy that kind of story)... I just hope this awesome story ever gets to be completed... If you need help i own VX and Ace and I could definitely make it work and fix any bugs or issue that you have...

  61. Here's a link to what I could pull from the wiki its all there just hard to sift throw it all It helped me a ton

  62. When is the next version due to come out?

    1. It will come out when he has it ready. The Ker Development Cycle (and in fact many free developers's cycles) goes something along the lines of:
      1. Post awesome work
      2. Disappear
      3. Fanbase wonders where Ker has gone
      4. Fanbase gives up hope
      5. More time passes
      6. See step 1

    2. Ker log's on hongfire every now and again. I haven't seen him post in a long time though. (like in march)

    3. I'm at 5 right now, In August it was 4, and in June it was 3. It seems Ker still at 2.

  63. yeah 3 seems to be a good point to stay for another 2 years, then i might move on to four :D

  64. I've been at 3 for a while, and I'm just about ready to move on to 4...

  65. Would it be possible to re-upload the walk-through on a different wiki?

  66. Just want to ask if your still working on this or not?

  67. nice game so far

    iether way is there some kind of wealktrough for the entire game i cant figure out how to get in to corsaix besides is it possible to get inthere without being arressted and how to solve it in the search game ?

    and where can you find the priestress when you have defeated her onthe tower she clearly does not go back to her church ?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. guess the game is dead as it has not been updated for 1 year disapinting to say the least

    1. Ker isn't dead yet; he just hasn't posted anything worth our time. If you want a dead project, go look at Despair Labyrinth.

    2. i dont want a dead game preffer a game witch is updates regularly hence sim brothel 2 revival seems to be the only one aswell as alonexp

      besides that other games iether end up dead way to quick wheter they are promising or not or it takes forever to have them updated

      haremcollecor mabey updated quit often but the date for the next release changes over and over again witch in my opinion makes the developer unreliable especially when changing dates without explaing a reason

      tought this game mabey differend only to find out how long it has been when it was last updated

      ps. one quistion for the game is it going to be possible to get more soldiers during the game as far as i have noticed you only gain 2 kinda little if you ask me at that rate the char wont be able to safe is home at all

    3. Harem Collector does give a reason to why the dates changes. If you just learn how to read, you will find out easy.

      And you should learn how to spell so people can understand what the hell you are saying.

    4. eh it probably isn't dead but ker is making the same mistake the Spacebase DF9 team was making, not communicating, doesn't have to be dev stuff, just let us know that he's still there at least.

    5. It's one person's hobby project, kind of unfair to compare it to an indie game studio with full time staff...

      Besides, judging by the logical problems in guessing Ker is probably busy rewriting the code (or struggling uphill to keep the current framework running while adding new content..) not exactly exciting stuff people will want to read about. Believe it or not either way is a time consuming affair.


    Right, I've just spent an hour trying to clean up the file that was posted above, which was a saved xml file from the (now deleted) wiki.

    I've preserved character info, the walkthrough, and brief information for the H-scenes. I also included the author's Q&A, an item guide and some of the longer comments which seemed to contain good information.

    Bear in mind there are tables, which will be difficult to read if you're not familiar with wiki formatting, which I haven't taken the time to re-produce in an easy to read text format. Also, I simply went around deleting vast swathes of code and only stopped for things that I thought were pertinent, there may well be lots of important information that I accidentally deleted.

    Anyway, here's a pastebin link

    If anyone feels like cleaning it up further, using it as the basis for something else, or having a go at reproducing it from the aforementioned xml file, then I heartily encourage you to do so. Perhaps the game's development is dead, but there's still lots of content to enjoy so this info is worth preserving.

    1. thanks for your artificial walkthrough. by the way, if you can tell how to use the map pirates. after I beat pirates, then go to the basement, there I find a map of the pirates then reported to the guild leader. but until now I did not know where else to go to the location on the map pirates. please share this information. thank you

    2. I think the location on the treasure map is something that he will implement whenever he decides to post a new version.

  71. Hey, I've been a long time admirer of your game. My two favourites are Angelica and Phoebe, hehe. I was pleasantly surprised to find out you started updating again last August, just downloading the new version right now, looking forward to it, but all these DL sites are a big pain.

    What I'd like to offer you is free hosting service on the website for my own h-game. The site is ad-free, I don't mind paying the hosting fees and whatnot out of my own pocket, and I also host Cypress_Z's Overwhored and a couple other projects. This also has the added advantage of sharing fans of our respective games- obviously you do this as a labour of love (or at least I can't find your donation link), but I assume you wouldn't say no to a larger audience. There's also no contract or anything- I'm not asking for exclusivity, or anything like that. All I need is for you to keep cp and loli out of your game, and we're golden.

    Let me know what you think. I can't seem to remember the PW to my old blogspot account, but you can reach me at nomoshing[at]badkittygames.net

    1. hi nomoshing. love your games. anyway, harem is sadly, dead so far. We are all hoping we are all wrong. but i highly doubt it.

  72. I guess its safe to consider this dead

    1. probably since it already been a year since the latest news of ker

  73. Officially over one year, GG

  74. shame it was going so well too...

  75. Noooooooo! T-T please continue to update this wonderful game.

  76. Sweet dreams, dear Harem...

  77. Google just announced a change in policy for Blogger with regards to adult content.

    As of March 23--a little under a month from now--any blogs which previously had a content warning (like this one) will be changed to private-only viewing, and will not be accessible at all without an invitation from the blog's creator (who, in this case, has been MIA for over a year).

    If Harem ever does get revived, it won't be here.

    1. I just read on Overwhored's devblog that Google has given up on that after everyone got mad. So there's still hope.

  78. anyone interested in taking over the project?

  79. Why is there so much unavoidable ntr in this game???

    1. your playing a game about being a slaver on a quest to save his homeland by enslaving fertile women and expecting to not have ntr elements why?

  80. Need my fix man...been so long...been getin the shivers and shakes...

  81. we all need the fix

  82. I wish this game had a Patreon.

    1. I hope it was not a money problem if so I'd be happy to help

  83. What happened? For the longest time this was one of the best H-games, free or otherwise, around. The schedule has always been iffy but generally there'd be progress reports or something by now. Can we get some closure here, hand it off to someone else, say it's abandoned for one reason or another, continue working on it, regardless of how it's handled it'd be nice to have some conclusion. Ker still has people checking on this over a year later, and unless this is resolved or continued one way or another it's a fruitless endeavor. We haven't given up but it'd be nice to hear something.

    1. Some closure would be nice. If anyone were to continue this (hopefully ker himself) I´d be happy to help out with stuff like mapbuilding, coding or whatever is needed. Else i will be stuck checking this blog every other week till i die of old age xD

    2. Some closure would be nice. If anyone were to continue this (hopefully ker himself) I´d be happy to help out with stuff like mapbuilding, coding or whatever is needed. Else i will be stuck checking this blog every other week till i die of old age xD

  84. i hate to see this game die it had a storyline that was good

  85. 1 year 3 months

    Rest in Peace

  86. very regrettable, the best H-games should be broken in the middle of the road
    Ker you very genius created this good ..
    but it is regrettable all, if you do not continue with this project

  87. Indeed, letting it go without any information = sad, in any case; what was already released was interesting and of good quality, with hope more progress would be seen later on (and that Ker is doing alright these days).

  88. Dang, is this not being finished? Pity, it's undeniably one of the largest and most enjoyable stories I've seen made for hentai rpgmaker, and I was really looking forward to the finale. While I've only played Light path so far, it was thoroughly enjoyable, the slaves were interesting (except for Angelica....kinda rubbed me wrong that she was so slavish for so little real effort after meeting her, almost as bad as Donna but she is the first recruit so it's expected, and she has additional scenes). Still mega-curious as to what was up with Cindy and the seeming merchant-cult group, and to discovering where Donna, Samantha (especially her) and Phoebe ended up.

    Also praise on the Light male recruit, shockingly Donnie is actually quite likeable and doesn't detract from the focus on Ralph at all (interesting choice of character model too, kinda reminds me of FF13 Snow). Wouldn't want to see any more males, but Donnie is a good follower to have alongside and is a solid replacement for your main melee while she's gone and a contender for main party (slightly less attack, but tougher and can regenerate his resource faster than he can use it), way better balanced than the forced Jessica for Light early on.

    Only issue I ever came up with was the Light path Tentacle Lair.....*shudders* forced Jessica in the party screwed balance up as she doesn't have high enough hitting power, and the random encounters were far too common with the exact same fight every time......and it went on for so god damn looooong!!

    Anyhow, gripes aside this was exceedingly fun. My suggestion would be to implement a New Game+ system for each version, just set so if you complete the version you can toggle back with the equipment equipped at the time on your party and everything else reset, would make replaying for the opposite side far faster and easier for new players.

    1. I seriously doubt it will be finished. From what I've gleaned from other boards and another game dev, it appears that after 3 kidnapped women were found in Cleveland, presumably being held as sex slaves, that Ker began to have moral qualms about continuing Harem. Honestly, can't say that I blame him.


  89. i would like the next to take the whole warrior cult as a part the harem as a part of the next update.

  90. Still checking Ker, hope you come back.

  91. We will wait until the end comes.

    Although that bit about the Cleveland thing is older news. I think it's even on this blog...

    1. It probably is, somewhere.

    2. He mentioned the Cleaveland thing in this post:

      And reconciled his feelings about that horrible event and making this game in this post:

      I have no idea what's going on with this game but assuredly this isn't the reason the game isn't continuing to be developed.

    3. if u check the date on those posts they where way back in sep 2013. tho like others i guess i keep coming back to see if theres something new...

  92. still hoping ur coming back, i and many others love this game :c

  93. I always have a glimmer of hope that there would be an update something but no. So sad. I just need to keep checking from time to time.

    1. I know how you feel man. Overwhored, Harem Collector and The last Sovereign are all fairly good games, and they are being updated at a decent pace. I miss this game a lot, I hope the author comes back but who knows; until then we just need to hope for the best, check every once in awhile and keep ourselves focused on the positive!

    2. You mean he isn't working on this game? I been waiting 6 months for a new update. THAT SUCKS!!!! :(

  94. To be fair there was a looong time between his last two versions, so torch is still light!

  95. R.I.P ker, you made a fantastic game and you will surely be missed, my heart goes out to your family.

  96. i want to break the pink haired top and make her my bottom

    a total bottom
