A few people have asked for release dates, which I normally hate to do. A developers schedule quickly turns into a promise in the minds of the reader and a schedule is nothing but numbers written in sand on the beach. But I'll lay out what I think will happen.
This is all guesswork and needs to be taken as such.
-In this week I hope to move from alpha testing to private beta testing.
-If the private beta goes well it should last 2-4 weeks. It'll depend on the level of response I get from my volunteers, the number of bugs that alpha missed, the severity of those bugs and my ability to find and fix them. Then we'll move into public beta (buggy release).
-Depending on how the alpha and private betas go, the public beta may be fine and be upgrade to final within a week or two. Depending on how much slips through testing the public beta may go through several releases (ala 0.6a) pushing the 0.6b final into early next year.
After 0.6b goes final I'll probably disappear for a few weeks and then start doing some polls, help wanted posts and gathering general feedback to help develop later versions.