Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow, the Harem family sure has grown in the last year.  So many new characters, all unique and beautiful in their own way, and all now part of your quest.  Everyone on the Harem team wants to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and I am both humbled and thankful for your amazing support.  Your generosity is what lets me make this game for you all to enjoy!

Terra and Vanessa won the 6m8 poll handily, so they will be on the menu in the next release!  Beyond that, you’ll have to wait for my body to finish processing all the Tryptophan before I let  you know all of what’s coming for you in December!

And of course, a few more teasers of the content all the patrons are enjoying over the Thanksgiving break.  You could spend the day after Thanksgiving fighting through the crowds at your local shops, watching some bad movies, or enjoying more porn!  I know which one I would do!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Patron Scene poll almost over!

There’s only 2 days left to vote for the 6m8 scene.  Either Vanessa/Terra, Fenja/Nicole, or Ariel/Rhea will be spending a passion filled night with you in the next release.  Currently Vanessa and Terra are up by 12 votes, but like 300 patrons haven’t taken the time to vote yet, so it’s still way too early to call!

If you are a patron, please take the time to cast your vote.  If you aren’t a patron yet and have a pairing you want to see, any pledge $2 or greater will get you a vote!  And any pledge of $5 or more to support the development of Harem will also get you instant access to the new 6m8 content!

Speaking of that, let’s do a few 6m8 teasers!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Harem c6m7 released, c6m6 gone public!

And Harem c6m7 is ready for release!  After proving your mettle to Magister Caliga, you’ll get an opportunity to enter Senesca and find a few of its treasures.  Kathleen will be most interested to see what you learn.  Until her duties demand a different kind of attention from her!  Heather has found you more opportunities in Denai for profit, and it Fiona has FINALLY remembered that she owned a beautiful maid that she left in Celee.  You’ve made Rachel’s shop in Denai the best weapon shop in town, but she might still be asking for more before consummation your relationship.  But what will you ask for in return?  All that in more in Harem c6m7!

Content additions
-You need to get into the ruins of Senesca to find the Mask to break Cecilia's resistance and find out what happened to Kathleen's people.  You'll get your first chance to enter this dangerous area...
-With all of the chaos caused by your actions in the province of Denai, there are sure to be additional problems.  If Heather is in your harem, she can find a way for you to benefit from it.
-It's time to consummate this relationship with Rachel.  What does she want, and what is she willing to offer?  And more importantly, what do you plan to take.
-In her first time in the Ratan provinces, Naitay would certainly have some things to say about them.  If you've completed the Senesca exploration, take the time to find out what and give her a piece of your 'mind' in return.
-And in the 'Well, it's about @$^*ing time category', Fiona finally remembers that she owned a beautiful maid in Eowen.  If you captured Fiona in Eowen, it's time to add her maid Mary to your harem as well.
-8 new scenes added, 2 more for Legates+ in c6m7.1 (due out in a few days)
-150 pages of new content, 143 new images

Bug Fixes
-Eldari cave accessible after Vanessa's check in again
-If Jessica left your party after capture, she'll rejoin
-Kathleen’s collar should have been removed either after her quest or entering Corsix, stats add to her directly.  Resolved.

Note:  There will be a Harem c6m7 in a few days with the Legate+ scenes and fixes for any bugs found.  CG packs will be posted at the same time.
And with that, Harem c6m6 goes public!

All your women are back in your harem, but one still resists you. Cecilia has managed to resist your power more than any other women, but how is a complete mystery. Your other women might have some ideas on how she does it. It’s also time to look for new lands and new women. Kathleen is strikingly beautiful and from the province of Elan. More women like her would be worth a great deal of work. But what has happened in the intervening centuries… And of course there’s more than that going on. Fiona and Yvone have been left alone or too long, and Rachel is due another visit in your shop.

content additions
-Cecilia still waits for you in the dungeon, but the quest to make her accept your quest will take you far afield.
-Kathleen hasn't seen her home province of Elan for centuries. With your harem full again, it's time to explore new lands and learn more about Kathleen's people and her.
-Fiona was left in Corsix to run her shop while you were in Denai. It's time to pay her a visit if you captured her in Eowen.
-Speaking of left in Corsix, what has Yvone been up to? (Patreon poll scene)
-You have set Rachel up with a shop in Denai and given her some time to run it. Now rent is due, but you'll gladly take payment in her instead of gold.
-Your enemies may have the Hearthstone, but your allies may be able to help you move around faster again.
-144 pages of content, another ~40 or so coming soon in Legate+ scenes
-131 new images, another ~40 or so coming soon in Legate+ scenes