Friday, February 22, 2019

Harem c8m4 released to patrons, public version upgraded to c8m3!

Harem c8m4 is ready for my wonderful patrons! As we push further into Celee, the gates of Eowen is finally open to you. While Hanno and your brothel will be opened later, there are two huge things to do there. First, you’ll be able to extend your portal network into Celee after helping one of your allies’ lieutenants. But considering they’re both beautiful women, that’s hardly work! Second, you had met a beautiful waitress, the slave Baylie, in Eowen before. Her owner wasn’t willing to sell her until he could travel to Eowen to purchase a replacement, but that passage is open now. Although you remember she was a bit odd…

But the Empire is still full of women for you to find. Livia, Mercalius’s wife, was injured in Booker’s attack. She’s not taking male visitors while she recuperates, but you have healers that could help her. And a woman in the inside would be useful, if only temporarily.

And we’ve completed the first stage of our combat upgrade. There were quite a few characters that were either ineffective or boring to use. Vanessa’s tanking ability is improved. Rhea, Naitay, and Sarah’s characters have new fundamental mechanics. Jessica, Terra, and Angelica have gotten tweaks as well and many enemy/gear/item fixes.


Content additions
-Livia’s healing is going slower than you’d like. After meeting Aries in your Castra, you can assign a healer to help her recovery and possibly her husband’s needs.
-Eowen is now opened to explore and talk to the citizens after meeting Valarie in the Cheli village and speaking to the chieftain. Hanno is slated for 8m5, the brothel in the near future.
-Your ally has sent one of her most trusted lieutenants to set up a new portal for you in Eowen, but she may need help for it to be finished.
-While you got most of the women in you wanted in Celee before, a few got away. Baylie’s, the waitress in Eowen, wouldn’t sell her until the way to Corsix was opened.  Well you opened it, time to get her!
-Phase 1 of the combat improvement completed! We went through and tried to improve a few of the less useful or interesting character’s design and skills. Sarah, Rhea, Jessica, and Naitay have all received significant changes. Vanessa, Terra, Angelica, and Donna have received tweaks as well.
-6 new scenes added to the game
-~190 new pages of text, `~190 new images

Other adjustments:
-All characters had to be unequipped for the new designs. Make sure to equip them again.
-Large shields have been buffed by 33% but made exclusive to Ralph and Vanessa
-Many more skills will crit now, many monsters, skills, item, and animations fixed.
-Note: Because Mercalius doesn't return Donna until 8m5 and she's required for a few of Baylie's events, the game "forgets" Donna shouldn't be in the base. She won't be in combat, but she will be in your Denai base. This "bug" will be fixed in 8m5. Please don't report it.
-Added a combat glossary to help explain the mechanics.

And with c8m4 out to patrons, c8m3 becomes free to the public! This is a bit of a shorter release due to the holidays, but still had some quality content.. and by that I mean scenes, scenes, and more scenes! Valerie gets a taste of you for the first time, Noemi and Phoebe get their 789th (est) turn. Rhea gets introduced to your harem in the dark route, and reintroduces herself to the people of Eowen. And Cecilia gets her turn in front of the assessor!

c8m3 - Holiday shortened, scene focused!

Content additions:
-Valerie blueballed you pretty hard last night, but not an issue to a man with a Harem. Noemi and Phoebe are waiting for you in Phoebe's house in the Cheli village
-Speaking of Valerie, time to move beyond first base with her. She has another quest and scene for you
-Of all the women you took in Celee, only Cecilia refused to be assesssed. She has submitted, time to bring her back to the assessor.
-Rhea has a new light and dark scene. Light is in Lesser Corsix, Dark (group) is back in base.
-7 new scenes (2 group, 1 Rhea, 3 Cecilia, 1 Valerie)
-101 pages of new text, 146 new images
-Many minor bug fixes

Sunday, February 10, 2019

8m4 update!

Thank you all for the combat/code feedback. TG22 and I have ben looking at it and seeing what we can do to improve the way that combat and quests feel. While I don’t want to make any promises, I think we’ve made a lot of progress and I’d love to hear your feedback when 8m4 comes out!
Now onto content. I’m trying something different this month: Rather than try to push push push and only go into beta when I think there’s enough done, I’m going to try to do a more consistent thing. Where the writers and I create content near continuously, but once I get ~200 pages into the new release I start the beta and hopefully build up a bit of a buffer zone between development and release so releases become more consistent. Particularly with TG22 also helping on the code development side, I think it’s a reasonable goal that we should be able to hit fairly consistently.

So what’s definitely going to be 8m4:
-Eowen will be re-opened, with every NPC getting new dialogue to reflect what’s happened.
-Baylie, the bunny girl from ch3, is now purchasable. Her arc isn’t immensely complex, but it will have a few events in it. 8m4 will go up to her first scene.
-The start of Livia’s recovery, starting with Mercalius renting one of your healers. Definitely to help Livia maybe to help his frustrated libido as well, that part is up to you.
-A quest to start to earn Aries’s trust, at least enough to let you betray him properly. At least 1 ‘dungeon’ in 8m4
-The next in Arden’s Legate series

What might get in, this is where the 200 pages/month comes in. If the first 5 gets me to 200 pages, this get pushed back another month regardless of how close they are to being finished.
-Opening a portal in Eowen. I wanted to do something more than just pushing a button and it’s kinda getting away from me, looking to be about 5 scenes in the process.
-Vanessa’s TKP scene

What definitely won’t be in 8m4
-Getting to see Hanno, Angelica’s father, in Eowen
-Re-opening the brothel
-Entering the Westlands.

And just as a final note: If we start hitting the 200 page/month goal and exceeding it I’m going to let a bit of a buffer develop so even if things go bad during a month the buffer absorbs it and you all get content. If the buffer gets overly large, I’ll be increasing the content/month. 

And of course, when Harem c8m4 is released to my patrons, 8m3 will become free to play for the everyone!  If you don't want to wait that long, you can always get early access to the newest content and support the ongoing development of Harem!