I hope everyone’s had fun with the new content released last month! For the patrons playing 8m4, I’d still love more feedback on the combat pass. So far it’s been positive, but the more we hear back the
better we can make it. So all opinions, critical or positive, are appreciated.
Onto 8m5! So, there’s three big things we’re working on for 8m5. Altan has been making a questline to get us back into the Westlands for the last month, so we’ll be finding out what Joan and the Cheli have been up to. Not sure how far into it we’ll get, but there is another character planned in the Westlands. Hiro has been working more on Eowen. Hanno, Angelica’s father, may or may not know she’s joined your harem. That’s something which needs to be resolved. TG22 has moved onto redoing the Brothel code, so hopefully can get a smooth interface for that so we can stop using the mess of code I stitched together back in chapter 4 for it. So lots of new events for you.
As to what I am working on for 8m5? Well, I’m going to talk more about that next post, but I will say that my first priority is getting Angie or Donna back from Mercalius. Gotta save something for the next post!