Saturday, August 24, 2019

Harem c8m6 update 2

Greetings to everyone!  I’m hoping that you’ve enjoyed the new Harem c8m5 if you’re supporting me on Patreon, c8m4 if not.  It was good to get as much positive feedback as I did after my return, really helped me get back into stride.  Progress has been going well on both new and old content.

We’re currently doing the combat pass 3 “beta” testing.  TG22 has been helping me update the class design over the last few releases, trying to improve the admittedly basic combat loop for Harem.  CP3 is trying to improve the early game, both with more interesting classes but overall a better monster system.  In 8m6 it should be complete, with all the non-sequenced fights in chapters 1-4 adapting to your level.  So you won’t ever significantly under or over level any fight, making things like composition choices and gearing more important than simple grinding.  And if you don’t like any of that, it will make the difficulty controls work properly in c1-4 where previously they only had an effect after chapter 5.  Including going to -100 and making almost all fights trivial if you’re just in this for the “story”.  A big thanks to him and all the testers!

As to c8m6, progress is great.  I’m almost at the 200 pages written, the majority of code is in place, the only big jobs left are imaging and testing.  If things go according to plan, testing that content should start next week and have us ready for an c8m6 release in early September.  I’ll post patch notes for it next week so you all know what’s coming!

And as always, thanks to everyone who supports the game.  Doubly so for those pledging on Patreon, I’d be hard pressed to generate 50 pages of content a month if I wasn’t able to rely on your generosity to pay the bills.  If you want to help support Harem’s development as well, my thanks in advance!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Harem 8m6 update!

Hey everyone, hoping that you’re enjoying the new content! Development for Harem c8m6 is coming along nicely. We’re up to 141 pages of writing done already which is ahead of schedule, even have a touch of coding and imaging done. In terms of new content, I’m doing a bit of both progressing the main plot along and finishing up some old plots. 
Both the Westlands and Castra plots are getting another step in, those are essentially done, as are Angelica and Donna’s reward scenes from their time with Livia. Speaking of our favorite Magni, you’ll also get to know her better in 8m6, although her capture is a long way off. I’m also hoping to get Leona’s capture done this month (mostly done already) as well as Rhea’s quickie. If I have much space left in the 200 page budget I’m going to try for either another off camera scene for the legates and/or another bit for the adversary plot. If the off-camera scene gets done, it would bump Sam and Terra dark to public. 
And as always, when 8m6 goes to my patrons, 8m5 will become available to everyone! But if you don’t want to wait, hey I’d love your support and a $5 pledge will get you instant access to the new content, as well as the chance to vote in the 2 polls running.  Maybe a few teasers to motivate you!
I’ve been keeping an eye on the polls and so far, it’s looking like Chinua is getting her turn in the brothel next and that the Eldari need more attention. Which means that the Fiona/Mary plot needs to get done so we can make the Solis Diamond. The brothel poll is set to end on the 25th and the focus plot on the 30th, so remember to vote if you haven’t already.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Harem c8m5 released to patrons, public version updated to c8m4!

After entirely too long, I’m happy to announce that Harem c8m5 is ready for my patrons!

In what was supposed to be a leave of only a few weeks, you have been without your healer for many months now.  Well, finish the next few Aries’s quests and her time helping Livia recover is at an end.  And she’ll have quite a few stories to tell you from her time in Mercalius’s mansion.  Speaking of missing women, Joan has been gone since you sent her back to the Westlands.  With the Ratans in Celee, you should check in on her.  Speaking of people and places you should also be checking in on, Hanno in Eowen would like to see his daughter again and your brothel has been closed for far too long.  Something vague about the ‘plot’ as well.  Oh… and Yvone.  Yup, Yvone.  And a huge number of bug fixes by TG22 and new code for both Ralph and Vanessa.

Content additions
-The plot quickens!
-You've done as Mercalius requested by helping Aries.  Time to recover your healer and start on a plan to betray Aries.
-With gaining entry to Eowen, you should check on your friend Hanno the governor.  Make sure to bring his daughter along!
-Westlands opened.  It's been too long since you've visited your assets in there.
-You've met many new women... time to reopen your brothel and get them working!
-Bonus scene with Yvone involving her, you, and Donnie or Tomas.  A small conversation if you sent them packing.
-6 new scenes, 202 pages of new text in game, 205 new images

Bug fixes/combat adjustments
-Fixed a memory leak that was causing crashes.
-Ralph has a new passive aura, Vanessa has a new TP mode.  Various other character fixes.
-Brand new brothel UI!
-Fixed an issue where you could get back to Celee without Adeline.  Talk to Mercalius to have her added to your party if she was not after her questline completed.
-Retconned Shenetore Elders to have names, Kyruth and Safio
-Improved item UI and many moderate to minor bug fixes/combat improvements.

And again, thank you to all my patrons who continued their support during my long illness and recovery.  And with the patron release, the public version gets updated to Harem c8m4.  Livia was injured in Booker’s attack and Mercalius will want your help in healing her back to help, and maybe a bit of stress release for himself.  Eowen is opened to you, offering chances to meet both new and old friends.  With benefits, of course.  This is also the start of the combat revamp, many characters received significant upgrades.

Content additions
-Livia’s healing is going slower than you’d like.  After meeting Aries in your Castra, you can assign a healer to help her recovery and possibly her husband’s needs.
-Eowen is now opened to explore and talk to the citizens after meeting Valarie in the Cheli village and speaking to the chieftain.  Hanno is slated for 8m5, the
brothel in the near future.
-Your ally has sent one of her most trusted lieutenants to set up a new portal for you in Eowen, but she may need help for it to be finished.
-While you got most of the women in you wanted in Celee before, a few got away.  Baylie’s, the waitress in Eowen, wouldn’t sell her until the way to Corsix was opened. 
Well you opened it, time to get her!
-Phase 1 of the combat improvement completed!  We went through and tried to improve a few of the less useful or interesting character’s design and skills.  Sarah, Rhea,
Jessica, and Naitay have all received significant changes.  Vanessa, Terra, Angelica, and Donna have received tweaks as well.
-6 new scenes added to the game
-196 new pages of text, 218 new images

Other adjustments:
-All characters had to be unequipped for the new designs.  Make sure to equip them again.
-Large shields have been buffed by 33% but made exclusive to Ralph and Vanessa
-Many more skills will crit now, many monsters, skills, item, and animations fixed.
-Note: Because Mercalius doesn't return Donna until 8m5 and she's required for a few of Baylie's events, the game "forgets" Donna shouldn't be in the base.  She won't
be in combat, but she will be in your Denai base.  This "bug" will be fixed in 8m5.  Please don't report it.
-Added a combat glossary to help explain the mechanics.