Monday, February 8, 2016

Chapter 3 to Patrons, Changes to Releases and Patreon Tiers!

First and foremost, Chapter 3 just went out to my Patrons!  Thank you for the support and the public release of Chapter 3 will be 2/15.

New release and Patreon tiers

So as I’ve been working on Chapter 3 I’ve been thinking about how to better do the release and Patreon rewards and am thinking of doing it slight different than before.

First I’m going to be changing my release pattern a bit.  I had talked a bit about minor releases and have decided that the idea is solid.  How it will work

Chapters are what you’re used to.  Massive content chunks with new zones, major plot movement and character additions.  Focused on moving the main story along the route.  The events unfolding in Lesser Corsix will be the Chapter 4 release.  You can think of them as the major releases and hope to have them out every few months.

Minor releases will be the new thing.  Essentially the work I’m doing in the existing world while developing new content.  This will be heavily focused on side-quests and additional character development but will take place completely within existing areas.  What I’m thinking of for the first series of minor releases: 
Continuing the Celeean Swords line, both in Eleen and adding one in Eowen
The Fenja/Goblin arc from version 1
A line of sidequests from Phoebe, both creating a bit of a backstory for the tentacles, adding more to the history of the land you’re as well as fleshing out her character further.  And of course getting to know her flesh of her better as well.
Further development of Cecilia.  While her arc will still have the same milestones that it did in version 1, there’s a lot of complexity to her character just hinted at in version 1. 

My actual development cycle shouldn’t be heavily affected by this.  I’ll still be doing most of my work on the major release but as I get a good idea for the minor I can take a break and work on existing content.  The big difference is it lets me take a day or two at the end of the month, roadblock future major content, do a quick test on the minor content and then release it when the Patreon pledges go through.

Along with this, I’m going to be making a few adjustments to the Patreon tiers.  First, the early access will go from a week to a month.  Since we’re doing monthly releases it will work out nicely putting the Patrons one version ahead of the public release at all times.  While this might sound a bit harsh to non-patrons, keep in mind that without their support I wouldn’t be able to develop content at anywhere near the current pace without their support.  V1 was lucky to see an update every 4-6 months and monthly updates would be laughable.  Everyone will end up getting more.

I will also be flipping the $50 and $100 tiers.  A $50 pledge will let you commission/design a custom scene every month and then choose if it goes into the game itself (if it doesn’t violate canon and works in content), available to all non-canon Patrons or be yours alone.  Please email me at before the pledge goes through with the scene concept and your decision so I can make sure I can develop it.

The $100 tier will be a shop talk.  We’ll arrange a skype/google hangouts time where you can sit down and talk shop with me.  You can chat with me about the game, watch me develop new content or I’d be glad to help with any content you want to develop and help you make it work better.  Really up to you.  I’ll commit to at least an hour of time for it.

And just to be clear, all these changes are going forward.  If you had pledged in January, you will be receiving the rewards as described when you pledged.  Likewise, the public release for chapter 3 will be on Feburary 15th, one week after the Patron early access.
As usual, any feedback is always appreciated.  Let me know what you think!


  1. This is so awesome, keep up the great work! All those changes sound very reasonable.

    Maybe a bigger Patreon button would help on this blog? 1.2 mil views should hopefully mean your monthly amount gets a little bigger!

    1. Hope you're enjoying the early access version! Feel free to give me any feedback on it.

  2. I'm just curious but what will the next new chapter be about when you finally get to that point?

    1. We're essentially still mirroring v1 content. So Chapter 4 is going to be the Lesser Corsix&mines plus the Tower of Selem

    2. I'm guessing that chapter 7 will heavily involve Ratan politics. Beyond that it's all sketch work

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Being one month late is really harsh for non patrons. While I understand why you are doing that (more attractiveness for Patreon), I think you shouldn't increase the delay 4 fold.
    Maybe 2 weeks could be a good middle point. Patreon release mid month, everyone release early the next month.

    1. I agree with Keyen on this. While I am a Patron and do like getting it first, I think that a month may be a bit hard on the regular public. I'd probably go with 2 or 2 and a half weeks before public.

      Then again, I still remember waiting six months to a year for an update, so...really, it's not that bad.

    2. While I certainly would not complain about a shorter wait time, I'm OK with a one release delay. (This is from the point of a non-Patreon supporter.) I'm sure it would help simplify the busy-work associated with a release, not that I think the difference would be significant in the overall load.

      From my own personal perspective, it seems that Patreon supporters (especially at the lower levels) seldom are buying in for the their rewards. Rather they are supporting out of a desire to see the game develop and any reward is just bonus-fries.

      Ultimately, I don't think it matters much which delay period is used. The games I particularly enjoy are never released as often as I would LIKE them to be anyway. ;)

    3. as seen with akabur, who treats patreon as a tip-jar, it works perfectly without any awards (he makes more than 9000 per month like this)

  5. So ultimately I've gone with something similar to what you all suggested. Patrons will get it when it's 'ready' which usually is the 5th-10th. Non-Patrons will get it on Friday of the last weekend of the month which is usually the 24th-27th. So it ends up being about 2-3 weeks on average.
