Tuesday, December 6, 2011

0.4.2 released.

CG mode accessible from the main menu (Thanks to Raziel321 and plby2005 over at Hongfire)
One additional scene for Noemi

The CG mode automatically will scan your saves and add in the scenes you've already seen. It will not add in scenes that happened by default when using the chapter select.

I generally won't be answering questions of how to activate individual scenes, I'd rather have the members here help each other find them. I'm doing this both to help me gain some feedback and encourage players to explore a bit more.

Minor scenes (Brothel and tentacle scenes) are not part of the CG mode. Let me know if that's problem and I can do the (considerable) work of adding them into the mode.

And again many thanks to Raziel321 and plby2005 who created the script.


1 comment:

  1. Whan is the next update foe the subversion all so whan is map 101 for the digsite going top be implamented

    sidenote in the subversion version ppl start off in the Dig site

    I think You need to Badly Fix it so thaty sart at the Stasrt ie into part

    Becose map 101 isant implamentred with in the dig site so thares no way ppl can Speek to the person in hut 2
