There is one thing that I could use for 0.6b. For one of the fights I have in my mind, you'd have to be able to see the HP of the enemies individually. So far we haven't been able to find or create a script that would let us do that. Beyond the function of displaying health bars, it would need to do the following
1 - Be compatible with existing saves, or come with a secondary script to make old saves compatible with it.
2 - Be fairly easy to implement. I don't want to have to recode the entire game to make it happen.
3 - Not to have a restrictive license.
4 - Be able to be turned on and off with a in-event or notes command.
If you know of a script that would do all these things, please let me know!
Also a team member brought up a cool idea for a donation option. A custom sprite/face file for the main character in Harem! Play yourself in our merry little adventure :). It would require an unencrypted download and be a $20 commission work, so it'd should be prices at $50 (unencrypted + custom sprite/face), $70 (non-canon + custom sprite/face) and $120 (non-canon + commissioned scene + custom sprite/face). The prices feel a bit high, but the unencrypted is just required for to insert a sprite and the additional cost would go directly to Neman who would be creating the graphics. Tell me what you think of the idea and what you'd be interested. I'm still fighting to find a way to get the store existing, so it'll still be a bit before anything is available.
And a few teasers as 0.6b is coming along nicely. Hopefully begin testing within a month or so and then release a few weeks after that.
ker, I think I know someone who can help with that script you are looking for. When I played Raindrops' Emmerzail game, I noticed that every time my character got attacked or when I used a skill that affects them, a small icon pops up showing my character's sprite along with health and mp. Maybe you can talk to Raindrops and ask about it.
ReplyDeleteThere was another game that shows the health of enemies but I can't remember what was it called. I'll go poke around.
Hope this helps.
Thank you, but the requirement is a bit more specific than that. I know of quite a few HP bar scripts, but most of them are incompatible with old saves. The best I can find is one that doesn't crash old saves, but doesn't do HP bars in them.
DeleteI don't want to force the players to start a new game because of this script.
Hey just wanted to point out - you suck.
DeleteFuck yes, Sarah wins.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping to recreate my party, the one I roll with regardless of its non-optimal status in gameplay, because 1 it's got my favourites in it and 2 it's believable to me.
The chick who pulls herbs out of thin air might be better at healing, but I want my legit white mage.
There may be better damage dealers, but I want my elemental mage.
And Sarah is just the most awesome character in the game, whether or not she's a good single-target damage dealer : D
If things go to plan, you should have everyone back in the start of 0.6c.
DeleteAnd how is a bag of infinite herbs any more believable than magic? Ever heard of a bag of holding?
DeleteNaw, she still has to find a way to FILL the bag of holding, man, and she's outright said that she can't pull herbs out of thin air.
I'll stick with the actual magician, thank you very much.
Really? I like that I have a great out-of-combat healer. Saves lots of money on herbs and potions.
DeleteIf you had a way to change the way the main character looks in game, I'd deffy consider helping donate towards that.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I wouldn't be willing to pay that price for a sprite though, but maybe others feel differently. Good luck all the same. :)
Exciting as always ker!
ReplyDeleteTeaser pics look great! I still haven't found any use of CG3D as is in Harem.... and I'm looking forward to the store eventually coming together!
Ker, Dont know if this will be compatible or not... But the game "Tales of Fantasy XXVIII" at RPG Maker XP Forum shows the hp of the enemies during battle
ReplyDeleteHope this helps
Posted this on the Futanari Feedback thread, but I'll post it here as well:
ReplyDeleteclass Window_HPGauge < Window_Base
def initialize(enemy)
super(enemy.screen_x - 50, enemy.screen_y - 15,100,50)
#should place bar slightly below bottom of enemy sprite
#might look wierd if enemy is flying
@enemy = enemy
self.back_opacity = 0
self.opacity = 0
def terminate
def refresh
#This makes it so that it only draws the HP bar while the enemy has HP
def draw_enemy_hp(enemy = @enemy, x = self.x, y = self.y, width = self.width)
if enemy.hp > 0
draw_enemy_hp_gauge(enemy, x, y, width)
#If it's not already invisible when enemy is dead, make it invisible
elsif self.visible
self.visible = false
# * Draw HP gauge (copied from Window_Base changing actor to enemy)
# enemy : enemy
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
# width : Width
def draw_enemy_hp_gauge(enemy, x, y, width)
gw = width * enemy.hp / enemy.maxhp
gc1 = hp_gauge_color1
gc2 = hp_gauge_color2
self.contents.fill_rect(0,0, width, 6, gauge_back_color)
self.contents.gradient_fill_rect(0, 0, gw, 6, gc1, gc2)
# This class controls all of the HP Gauge windows
class Enemy_HP_Gauge_Collection
def initialize
@gauges = []
def setup
for enemy in $game_troop.members.reverse
#The game will only show the HP bar if the enemy has "hpGauge" in the Notes
if $data_enemies[enemy.enemy_id].note.include? "hpGauge"
def update
for gauge in @gauges
def terminate
for gauge in @gauges
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
alias start_with_Gauge start
# * Start processing
def start
$game_temp.in_battle = true
@spriteset =
@message_window =
@action_battlers = []
#These next two lines setup the enemy HP bars
@enemy_HP_Gauges =
alias update_basic_with_Gauges update_basic
def update_basic(main = false)
Graphics.update unless main # Update game screen
Input.update unless main # Update input information
$game_system.update # Update timer
$game_troop.update # Update enemy group
@spriteset.update # Update sprite set
@message_window.update # Update message window
@enemy_HP_Gauges.update #Updates the enemy HP bars
alias terminate_with_Gauge terminate
# * Termination Processing
def terminate
@enemy_HP_Gauges.terminate #disposes of the enemy HP bars
unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover)
$scene = nil if $BTEST
Thanks. I'll have to take a look at it in game to see if it does what I need it to.
DeleteUpdated the script so that it uses Aliasing better. Also posted on the Futanari thread (in a nicely formatted codeblock). Should be even more compatible than it was before now that I should be using aliasing correctly.
# Individual Enemy HP Gauge Script
# Author: Rhidian
# Feel free to reuse/modify any portion of this script
class Window_HPGauge < Window_Base
def initialize(enemy)
super(enemy.screen_x - 50, enemy.screen_y - 15,100,50)
#should place bar slightly below bottom of enemy sprite
#might look wierd if enemy is flying
@enemy = enemy
self.back_opacity = 0
self.opacity = 0
def terminate
def refresh
#This makes it so that it only draws the HP bar while the enemy has HP
def draw_enemy_hp(enemy = @enemy, x = self.x, y = self.y, width = self.width)
if enemy.hp > 0
draw_enemy_hp_gauge(enemy, x, y, width)
#If it's not already invisible when enemy is dead, make it invisible
elsif self.visible
self.visible = false
# * Draw HP gauge (copied from Window_Base changing actor to enemy)
# enemy : enemy
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
# width : Width
def draw_enemy_hp_gauge(enemy, x, y, width)
gw = width * enemy.hp / enemy.maxhp
gc1 = hp_gauge_color1
gc2 = hp_gauge_color2
self.contents.fill_rect(0,0, width, 6, gauge_back_color)
self.contents.gradient_fill_rect(0, 0, gw, 6, gc1, gc2)
# This class controls all of the HP Gauge windows
class Enemy_HP_Gauge_Collection
def initialize
@gauges = []
def setup
for enemy in $game_troop.members.reverse
#The game will only show the HP bar if the enemy has "hpGauge" in the Notes
if $data_enemies[enemy.enemy_id].note.include? "hpGauge"
def update
for gauge in @gauges
def terminate
for gauge in @gauges
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
alias start_without_Gauge start
def start
#These next two lines setup the enemy HP bars
@enemy_HP_Gauges =
alias update_basic_without_Gauges update_basic
def update_basic(main = false)
@enemy_HP_Gauges.update #Updates the enemy HP bars
alias terminate_without_Gauge terminate
def terminate
@enemy_HP_Gauges.terminate #disposes of the enemy HP bars
And since it's hidden within the comments inside the code listed here: HP gauges will only be shown on enemies that have "hpGauge" listed in their Notes
Deletejust out of ciriosity why fenja and katleen are part of the choices? they already found after the tram on 0.6a3
ReplyDeleteWhoops, good point!
DeletePosted updated code on the Futanari thread with the functionality you requested. I won't post it here since the previous versions are already cluttering these comments.
ReplyDeleteSince the Futanari thread isn't available to be viewed by non-registered members, I suppose it would be good to state what the updated functionality is (to give a hint of what is coming if ker decides to use the script).
DeleteBasically, instead of a specific enemy automatically having the HP bar in-battle, the HP bar is triggered by a Status effect. So if there is a skill that inflicts that status effect (like Libra from FF), you could see the HP of any enemy in the game.
I'm fine with that, in fact probably would of suggested it soon myself.
DeleteThis really isn't a forum for talking shop on VX/Ruby, it's a status blog with a bit of teasing and feedback thrown in. If someone wants to find how out about the code behind Harem, well they should be using a forum or emailing me directly at
Futanari is kind enough to host a feedback thread for Harem even though there's no futa content in the game. The least we can do is drive some traffic to their site :)
Speaking of which, any plans to ever have a futa added to the Harem? That could be fun :)
ReplyDeletePosted another script to Futanari that you might find useful.
ReplyDeleteBeen a while since we heard anything from you, ker. Hope everything is running smoothly.
ReplyDeleteI was wonder what program you use for the girls (mostly sex scenes) and if you had a link to it.
3D Custom Girl.
Deletehmm, interesting. do you have a link to download it? I tried a couple times already but they were fake (I highly doubt the installer for it is only 174kb...).
DeleteIt's software you have to buy. Or obtain otherwise, but we probably shouldn't be sharing such links here :p
DeleteThey're out there though, this I assure you.
It is problem that main site is not in english :/
Deletewhy can't you share the links here? it's not like your taking credit or anything. you would be pointing me in their direction.
DeleteHe'll be pointing you to pirated software at another person's blog. The impoliteness of that hardly would need to be explained.
Deleteoh, that. Yeah i see the point there, but how about the official website for it instead?
DeleteDaer Jared,
DeleteAll the information you need:
HI I want to know whether there is a version for macbook? :)
ReplyDeletewe'll get to see the elementals too? cuz we already got two girls of the magic resources and i would realy like to see the third one as well. maybe a run away princess of one of the elemental tribes whose father wanted to merry against her will so she ran away to see the world like she always wante or something.