Monday, July 17, 2017

1 step forward, 3 steps back.

Sorry for the extended absence.  Turns out that I was in the midpoint of getting sick, not the end of it.  Spent too long waiting for myself to get better and let things get far more serious than they ever should have been.  Ended up getting bounced back into the hospital with complications and then spent a week with the family recuperating.  I’m back on my feet now, but nowhere near 100%.  I will have to cancel the July release unfortunately.

My plans for the next few days is to try to get the 6m4 stuff on course for an August release.  Sarah’s bit is still good to go, t51’s work on Fiona and Leona should be good for it as well.  I hope to additional work done on Vanessa and Cecilia, as well as the patron poll for Noemi.  As I get a better grasp of how much I can get done for August, I will let you know!

Thank you for the patience and well wishes during my illness.  Sorry I went dark for so long, I will try to communicate better in the future.


  1. Greetings Ker, I hope you get well soon and wish you the best on your recovery.


  2. sry to hear. make sure to follow the docs orders to the letter and take your meds (if u got any) until u run out.

  3. Rather have you in good health than bad, can definately wait for a release, even if it takes a bit longer

  4. Don't worry we can wait.
    Take care of yourself.

  5. hey i know your sick (look at a past post) but i think i found a bug with the first swords quest with the wolfs. they are giving me like 200 gold per an encounter.
