Friday, January 25, 2019

Harem c8m3.1 released!

Fairly minor bugfix version, the only critical issue was a freeze when entering the Cheli Village while Noemi was busy.  A few text/image fixes and you'll stop seeing version after every load.  All prior replay files will work.  I also updated the CG packs.

Segura Link :
Legate+ Link :
Public folder updated :
CG Packs :

Bug fixes
-Version will stop updating with every load.
-Fixed a freeze when entering Cheli village w/o Noemi
-A few text/image corrections

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Harem c8m3 released to Patrons, 8m2 to public!

Harem c8m3 is ready for you all!  You met Nona’s young daughter Valerie last month.  A quite headstrong woman, capable of making her own decisions both in terms of getting her mother’s quest done and how she conducts herself in private.  She’s quite fond of you, you’re quite attracted to her.  Time to let things play out, but of course there is that pesky quest she needs done first… oh, and your own needs to satisfy beforehand.  Fortunately, Phoebe and Noemi are more than eager to take care of anything she wasn’t willing to the night before!

There’s both new business to get started and old business to take care of.  Cecilia was the only woman you entered Corsix with that wasn’t willing to call you her master in front of the assessor.  Now you’ve changed her mind, time to correct that prior mistake.  During one of my latest polls, you all said you wanted to see more of Rhea.  8m3 adds in a pair of scenes for her, one light and one dark.  And any Legate+ Patrons get to see a new scene in the “Angie’s in Charge” line, “Laura - Not What You Want, What I Want (dark)”.

c8m3 - Holiday shortened, scene focused!
Content additions:
-Valerie blueballed you pretty hard last night, but not an issue to a man with a Harem.  Noemi and Phoebe are waiting for you in Phoebe's house in the Cheli village
-Speaking of Valerie, time to move beyond first base with her.  She has another quest and scene for you
-Of all the women you took in Celee, only Celee refused to be assessed.  She has submitted, time to bring her back to the assessor.
-Rhea has a new light and dark scene.  Light is in Lesser Corsix, Dark (group) is back in base.
-7 new scenes (2 group, 1 Rhea, 3 Cecilia, 1 Valerie)
-101 pages of new text, 146 new images
-Many minor bug fixes

With that, Harem c8m2 goes out to the public.  Another smaller release due to holidays/health, but also packed with titillating content!  The Castra had been your primary base during your time in Celee, now that you’re back into Celee you’ll want to occupy it again… assuming nothing else has.  Nona has asked you to look after her young daughter she sent into Celee to complete a mysterious quest… but she’s old enough to be an adult which makes her old enough if she’s worthy of your attentions.  And if you made allies during your previous escapades in Celee, it’s time to check on them.  Starting with Benjamin in Lesser Corsix.


-You've been away from your Castra for too long.  You acquired it first to find a way into Lesser Corsix, now it will be able to get you past Lesser Corsix.
-And with access to more of Celee, Valerie is out there somewhere.  Maybe a new army buddy of yours will know where she is.
-The Celeean Swords were good allies and rewarded you well in the past.  Benjamin in Lesser Corsix needs your help again.
-Noemi accepts you as her god, but she's still a willful woman.  Selene might have a new trick to teach her in The King's Pleasure.
-4 new scenes add (View Noemi's training in replay mode)
-177 pages of new content, 109 new images

Bug Fix/QoL
-Fixed Freeze in Fiona's chapter 7 content
-2 upgraded items added to Fiona's shop in Celee.
-Many fixes in old content, thanks TG!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

8m3 update

I hope you all had a great holidays! I enjoyed mine quite a bit, feeling good enough to travel for the entire period and visit both my family and friends. Lots of fun, but time to get our noses back to our grindstone.

For the last week I’ve been putting together content for the Harem c8m3 release. This will be a smaller release due to the holidays, hoping to get about 100 pages and images or so. I left you with a bit of a cliffhanger after being sent away from Valerie unsatisfied, but Noemi and Phoebe were waiting to help you with that. They’ll take their turns satisfying you before Valerie sends you on another quest. But you’ll should get a bit more than just a feel for this one.

Beyond that, I’m just about caught up with the patreon poll scenes. Noemi’s was done last month, I worked out all what I wanted for Rhea’s scenes so those should be in 8m3 (both light and dark). Just finishing up those, I’ll likely do Vanessa’s TKP and the start up a poll for the next one. I’ve also had a fun idea for Cecilia’s assessment. She’s the only woman who wouldn’t call you master on entering Corsix, it’s time to have a bit of fun making that official now. I’m also going to get a Legate+ scene done, sorry the last one got caught up in the holidays.

I want to enter beta this week, which there are a bunch of things that we just won’t have time to get to due to the shortened dev cycle. I have a good start on Mercalius/Livia’s next bit, but not enough to get done in a reasonable amount of time. Derek’s gotten most of Eowen’s start done and Altan has Baylie nearly done, but neither of those are done enough to push into 8m3. 8m4 should be either early or large, we’ll have to see.

Anyways, thank you for the support as always!