Friday, January 25, 2019

Harem c8m3.1 released!

Fairly minor bugfix version, the only critical issue was a freeze when entering the Cheli Village while Noemi was busy.  A few text/image fixes and you'll stop seeing version after every load.  All prior replay files will work.  I also updated the CG packs.

Segura Link :
Legate+ Link :
Public folder updated :
CG Packs :

Bug fixes
-Version will stop updating with every load.
-Fixed a freeze when entering Cheli village w/o Noemi
-A few text/image corrections


  1. I noticed the difficulty seemed to ramp up a bit but I was fine with that but now it seems that my magic characters do outlandish amounts of damage by comparison to the melee characters and everything attacks first, and does loads of damage to even the characters with armor. If it weren't for my magic AOE this would be impossible. I'm aware that you can change the difficulty but I'm wondering if I did something wrong along the way.

    1. So talking to TG22, my new code guy, physical attacks are much more synergy dependent than magic as there's more useful physical combos than magical ones. But it's also something we're working on, Sarah and Rhea are getting big redesigns.
