Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I live!

Hey everyone, sorry for the extended absence but both I and Harem is back.  Had some severe health issues that knocked me out for a few months there but it looks like I have turned a corner on it, enough to get back to work at least.  There’s a few more details on my patreon about what happened, but I am a private person by nature so not a great deal more.

We’re way too far into July to hope for a release this month still but reviewing what was done before my illness and there was a decent amount of content already fairly well set up.  Enough where getting a solid update together in August should be quite doable.  And when 8m5 comes out, 8m4 will go public.

I’ll stop by in a few days to do the usual teaser content for the new content, today I just wanted to stop by and say that neither I nor Harem is dead.  It may have come close a few times back there, but there are more updates, scenes, and quests to come!