Thursday, September 5, 2019

Harem c8m6 released to patrons, public version updated to 8m5!

Your fight to reclaim what is rightfully yours continues. Aries is starting to trust you, giving you the start of an opportunity to evict him from your Castra without him realizing it. And the Ratans also threaten your allies in the Westlands, but they may have a new weapon to aid you both in liberating them and your own quest. But even as you arm yourself, your adversaries are making their own moves with their own new weapons. A challenging time, but fortunately you have women back home eager to help you forget about everything else for a night at least. See all that, and more, in Harem c8m6!

Content additions
-Angelica or Donna helped Livia recover from her injuries. They've earned a special reward for doing so!
-With Livia back on her feet, lets see how her view of you has changed
-Aries still occupies your Castra. It's time to figure out how to get him to leave
-You've found out what happened in the Westlands and recovered Joan. What else might that territory have to offer you?
-Danielle/Teresa have found a new weapon to use against you. Their own plots continue
-And if all that sounds too complicated, maybe a relaxing evening with Rhea is in order. And where did Leona go?
-Bonus off-camera scene for Legate+ patrons, Samantha and Rhea dark. Sam's dark scene with Terra goes public.
-7 new in game scenes, 1 new off-camera scene, 202 pages of new content, 223 new images
Combat pass 3
-Samantha's singing ability has been made stronger and more complex, with her song changing as the battle progresses. But if she stops singing, the benefit is lost.
-The enemy leveling system used in chapter 5 and later added to chapters 2-4 with many improvements to the combat there. No new content, improved old content.
-Gold drops eliminated from non-humanoid enemies, replaced with an upgraded trophy system of saleable drops

And with c8m6 coming out for patrons, Harem c8m5 becomes available to everyone. While my patrons can see your adversaries new weapon in action, 8m5 is when the arm themselves. And time to find out what dangers your Cheli are in as well as start to earn that trust you’ll need to betray Aries. Business as usual, killing monsters and running your newly redesigned Brothel!

Content additions
-The plot quickens!
-You've done as Mercalius requested by helping Aries. Time to recover your healer and start on a plan to betray Aries.
-With gaining entry to Eowen, you should check on your friend Hanno the governor. Make sure to bring his daughter along!
-Westalnds opened. It's been too long since you've visited your assets in there.
-You've met many new women... time to reopen your brothel and get them working!
-Bonus scene with Yvone involving her, you, and Donnie or Tomas. A small conversation if you sen them packing.
-6 new scenes, 202 pages of new text in game, 205 new images

Bug fixes/combat adjustments
-Fixed a memory leak that was causing crashes.
-Ralph has a new passive aura, Vanessa has a new TP mode. Various other character fixes.
-Brand new brothel UI!
-Fixed an issue where you could get back to Celee without Adeline. Talk to Mercalius to have her added to your party if she was not after her questline completed.
-Retconned Shenetore Elders to have names, Kyruth and Safio
-Improved item UI and many moderate to minor bug fixes/combat improvements.


  1. Glad to see more. I do hope the next one will go back and finish some of the unfinished stuff though, like using the bracers to turn... Edrin, I think his name was? Or Erdrin? something? Into a girl and a slave.

    There is also a tent in Denai region by the track that is said to be something in a future update and it's been forgotten too.

    But, I'm glad to see more none-the-less. Eager to see more. Gonna download the new version now.^^

  2. nice to see a new update, the link to the google docs is wrong, it shows the right address but when you click on it, it sends you to this page instead

  3. Off topic question: What other adult games do people reccomend?

  4. As with others, I too have an issue with trying to download the new update. Is there something wrong with the download?

    1. Just Blogger being silly. Fixed now, just as a fyi the public download is just a folder so the link doesn't actually change month to month.

  5. Sorry for bumping in like this, but I have a question. It is quite a long time since I last played this game, and since the last time I played was on the blue path, decided to go red this time. What I want to ask is, where can you find Isabella? After winning the battle and talking to Daniella, she says she send her as penance to gather weed outside the moat. I checked around the convent but couldnt find her. Is that with a reason, or am I looking incorrectly?

    1. He altered it to where she's gained later. Guess he forgot to correct that bit.

    2. So then she can be gained? But only in later chapter if I understood you correctly? Then this text with Danielle is more or less a remnants of previous version?

  6. i wonder, sine Ker i dealing with celee loose ends. will he start working on Alice, the girl from the swords that teamed with the harem during the escort mission ( also the only survivor besides the harem) the slave that Cecilia stole from francis and maybe Diana dark route?

  7. Is there no possible way of continuing the Eldari quest past the Wind element right now? The mechanical guide says to talk to Phoebe and then go to Fiona and then talk with Phoebe two more times in order to unlock the spot for the next element but the game says that it is content that is not available yet and Fiona just gives generic dialogue.

  8. the quest goes up to the earth element for both routes, unles you havent made fiona your slave before going to corsix for the first time, usually you have to either advance the main quest or do some side-quest in order to unblock it when that happens, same as when you cant enter the house caliga gave before going to the dinner

  9. since the harvesters camp is not operating for the time being, does this mean that joan will join the main force as a combat slave until the camp gets restored?.
    P.S.: i hate the angel, always hated that kind of hypocrites that go around doing horrible things to others "For the Greater Good".
    At least the demon stays on her role as a demon and openly admit she is using him for her own goals the same way he is

  10. the monsters on westlands worldmap werent affected by new combat patch, their lvl is still the same

  11. I once wanted to ask how to trigger the Wasteland quest series. For me it always means I have to explore the Wastelands. but what exactly should you research? In the woods I was already there but nothing happened.

    1. you mean the quest to investigate who killed joan harvesters or another one?

  12. I think I mean a different one. However, I'm just about to finish chapter 3. The point is that when I approach Joan for quests, it's not yet there to explore the wasteland. Before the harvester continues in Wasteland spread. but I do not know what else to do I searched these two forests.

    1. Have you taken a blood nut to Fiona? That should unlock the northern forests.

  13. yes i have the blood nuts for Fiona.

    1. The next quest in the westlands is when you have Naitay.

  14. did you arrived to shenetore in the westlands?

  15. if not go west into the mountains, is better to do it once you have both noemi and phoebe in the harem

  16. So in returning to Lessor Corsix, in the Mayor's house, on the second floor, there is a woman with a special portrait. I think she's the old man's wife. Is there a plan to finish her arc and have her join the harem?

  17. I apologize for technical problems. okay then I know that. I'm still in Chapter 3 and Naitay comes in Chapter 4 if I've seen that right. then it's just good I thought I'd ask before I finish chapter 3 and then miss something in the Wastlands.

  18. I've noticed that Steal Strength doesn't get used during auto battles nearly as much, if at all, now.

  19. I have created a blacklist for skills that should not be used by the autobattle mode. Steal strength is one of them.

    The full list is :
    -Cancel stance (Naitay)
    -Naitay's 3 stances
    -Calm (the version on an ally)
    -Frozen fury
    -Steal strength

    If you think some skills should be added or removed from this black list please tell me :)

    1. dint naitay instances need to be set outside combat after the patch?
      i agree that frozen fury needs to be blacklisted but calm has to stay since Kathleen still goes berserk randomly during combat, in fact in needs to be set to be used the next turn it happens
      one thing that needs to be fixed is for the MC to not use provoke two times in a row, specially when doing extra turns?
      gotta wait until the combat update gets complete before give another opinion

    2. I removed the calm skill because autobattle will only have 25% chance to find the angry Kath when it uses it.
      Also Naitay's stances can be activated both during battles and from the game skill menu.
      I'll try to see if I can make something for the provoke skill (and similar ones) in the future. Thanks.

  20. ker where are you?, is too early for a Halloween scare

  21. good evening. I have a question. Namely, I am playing on the dark path after I have completed the light. I wanted to know what I have to do to dominate Terra? Because as soon as I reach Chapter 5 and I have not made it, she behaves strangely.

    1. what was the last event you did with terra on the dark path?

  22. I was in such a ruin or temple. I had to fight against such a strange being. and after that Terra was so weird. I'm not sure but I think I got the quest from Phoebe.

    1. did you take terra to the beach resort?

    2. No I was not at the beach resort with Terra. But I had no request or message from her.

  23. you need to complete phoebe quest first, you need to explore the fortress basement and also do more of fionna quests

  24. ok any of the patreon members can tell us if there any reason for this new radio silence please?

  25. I still can't seem to figure out the exact trigger for the normal Herb Bag. I trigger Angelica's first two scenes as your slave and then she just gives generic dialogue. I also know that it can't be related to sidequests since I have been able to get it in no sidequests runs as well.

    1. i think you need to complete some of the swords or fionna quests to trigger it

    2. Like I said, I know it can't be related to any sidequests since I have also gotten it by simply going to the next required area.

  26. Was playing through, and noticed a bug. There's two of Vanessa in lesser Corsix when playing through the area for the first time, and no NPC's react within her barracks.

    1. I have also noticed that at times. Doing the Debug doesn't seem to fix it either.

    2. that usually goes away after vanessa first sex scene happens or after you send sarah to train the recruits after lesser corsix is saved, such bugs like the one were jessica is stil in your party after saving lesser corsix can be avoided by sticking to a single route while playing most of the time

    3. the fastest way to see if you on either the dark or light route is by saving and checking the color of the file background either blue or red is good, only the first save at the start of the game is ok will be gray anywhere else will get you a bug since the game has no neutral route

    4. There are times when it happens even if you simply do a pure light or dark route.

  27. I have another question about this Terra thing. which quests of Fiona do I have to do to make it work with Terra? I ask since I have already done all Phoebe quests to the mine. and I have done so far all of Fiona. I wanted to start now with chapter 4. but first I wanted to know if something is missing or if the rest of the quests for it only in chapter 4 come.

    1. did you do the quest to make terra tiara?, also make sure you have done any sidequest you pendient sometimes those stop the main story from advancing

  28. No, I did not have that with Terra yet. So I asked which of the side quests I have to do and whether they are only from chapter 3 or from Chapter 4

    1. you only have to worry about missing side quests when you are about to start chapter 5 by going to corsix, usually terra domination event happens after killing the tutham king at the mines on chapter 4, you must be on the dark path for it to happen

    2. OK thanks. I had it understood that I have the side quests also all must make it work.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I wouldn't be surprised if it is simply taking longer because there is more to do now.

  31. Hey Ker I'm really enjoying this fine game have you ever thought about going pro as a game designer?

    A big thank you to you and your team for your fine work.

  32. ok so ker made another i am alive post, can someone from the patreon please tell us what happened this time?
