Sunday, January 8, 2023

Harem Remastered

Hey all, sorry for the delay in updates.  Health issues unfortunately, I picked up a case of the flu in early December and just as I was getting over that I caught COVID for the first time.  All while trying to finish my bachelor’s degree and everything else.  While I was able to get in enough schooling to finish my degree, something I had long ago given up on, the everything else had to take a break.  Including futzing around seeing if I wanted to get back to work on Harem.

That delay may have been for the best though.  There was a Harem remake project going on that had my blessing that was doing a bit of tweaking of the core game and updated the images using COM3D2, keeping the game itself in RPG Maker ACE.  Unfortunately it looks that hit with the leader taking time off but some of the members of the team want to reboot it and expand the project quite a bit.  And since I’m back, I’ve said I’m interested in helping out and we’re starting to make some plans.

Always want to clarify before making a list like this:  These are things we’re thinking about doing but they’re absolutely not set in stone yet.  No coming back in a few months, list in hand, saying that we didn’t deliver on promises.  No promise made here.

Harem Re-remake idea (not final name)

-Porting the game to RPG Maker MZ, the newest version.  This of course would be a massive project involving porting/rewriting massive segments of the game but there would be huge benefits to doing so

--Better player experience with things like mouse support built in

--Better combat systems, maps and sprite designs

--Better resolution support.  Was capped at 640x480 in ACE, MZ doesn’t have a limit afaik.  Should make a big difference in image quality. 

-The change in resolution would also demand remaking the images for that resolution.  Not sure if we’ll stay with COM3D2 or switch to KK/S, depends on the team still.

-The ability to fix things that I didn’t like how they turned out.  Most particularly some of the optional characters that plotwise should not have been was a massive issue for me, thinking mostly of Fiona and Rhea.  I would welcome feedback on other fixes as we get closer though.

-Adding some new scenes and events as we go on.  There would be anywhere form 2-4 writers on the team so as the coder codes we’ll have some time to work on expanding the content in earlier chapters.

-Having a larger team to work with.  While I did get a lot of help with Harem, it was me creating the game with help from others.  Being able to offload things like coding and business management completely while having assistance with writing and imaging would be a massive improvement in my QoL.

-Likely this would be Patreon supported again but we aren’t anywhere near close enough to have details on things like tiers yet.

This all is still very early in progress and nothing will go public until a significant amount of content is ready to go public, likely be a while before you’d get to play the content


  1. First of all happy new year, good to see you are taking control of your life and health, hope to see more about this remake 8n the future.

  2. Understandable if it takes time. I do hope that no characters are cut though... but retooled instead. How that would be would no doubt vary though.

    One thing that always puzzled me was with the two different boys to get depending on Karma that had ties to Jessica, but had the same models. Perhaps they could be fleshed out, with options of using those gender changing bracers that were used on Laura to be used on them. But, that's just a personal hope of mine.

    Either way, I'm extremely glad to hear that you're returning to this. Been loving the series and the characters and its world building, and been eager for more.

    1. I'll try to make Jessica's relationship with the circle guild clearer this time around. What its supposed to be is that they all lust after her but they don't fuck for a few different reasons. Alex because it would be "dishonorable" to shag a party member. Tomas because Jessica won't let him touch her. Donnie because he won't admit that he lusts after the girl who grew up as his "sister".

      The Tomas solution is obvious: He trades his allegiance for a night with her. Donnie is a bit more complex: When he sees Jessica falling in love with Ralph, he can't hide his feelings for her anymore and tells her. It's not enough to get Jessica to be his, but out of your generosity he also gets a night (which is one of her kinks).

    2. That was me, sorry. The final twist to Jessica is treat her poorly but she still finds herself attracted to you, she'll throw herself at Donnie as the "safer" man. But he doesn't feel threatened by you so tries to keep her as a "sister"

  3. Hope you're feeling better, and looking forward to whatever comes next!

  4. I'd be incredibly stoked if this re-remake gets off the ground. I've been playing the game since pretty much the first release (might still have the last VX build too) and I've enjoyed it so much. From what I've heard, though, Patreon is a bit iffy when it comes to adult games. For some, they let them run their crowdfunding with few issues. For others, they basically can't have certain content or their account would be shut down. I would suggest perhaps establishing both a Patreon page and a page. Subscribestar is looser with the rules than Patreon, and is much less likely to just suddenly shut down your page because they find the content of the game objectionable.

    1. I've been through Patreon's testing before and passed it, but I'll mention subscribestar to our social media guy.

  5. My suggestion would be to lock certain quests behind other quests. For example, make it so that you cannot start the werewolf quest until you finish all the quests that the preator gives you first.
